Chapter 35

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Doe's POV:

"Am I doing this right?" I questioned, looking down at the dough sticking to my fingers.

Lily let out a soothing laugh, "You're doing perfectly, deary, you've just got to kneed it for a while before it starts to behave."

I nodded and got right back to kneading the crap out of this the way she first showed me.

Lily told me that she was going to have some downtime after lunch if I wanted to have her show me a few things.

And since neither of the vampires showed up for lunch, I figured that I might as well.

I think we were making bagels.

"Don't be afraid to put some oomph in it," She began again, working at a few things at the stove behind me, "Take out all of your pent-up frustrations on it if you have to."

Pent-up frustrations? Sure, that sounded good.

"Yes ma'am," I grinned.

I got right back to it with the oomph she mentioned

My mind had been in a frenzy since my conversation with Khloe, afterward hitting certain parts of the book, stopping and asking her if what was happening was one of the signs she was talking about, and repeat.

I think I was getting onto the right track, having me replay any memory I could between Xander and me for the same clues.

And god... there were a lot of them, some even cluelessly from me.

Which just grew and grew that battle in my stomach that I still couldn't decide if it was nerves or excitement.

I knew it was leaning more heavily on the nerves side when through all the memories, I realized one specific thing.

He's not once initiated a kiss on the lips. Not. Once.

Even when we were having sex it was always me who made that move.

Why didn't he?

I knew he enjoyed it. He was a shitty liar, so I knew he wasn't faking that enjoyment for my sake, or any other reason.

Not when I could so distinctly feel the want in his movements or in the sounds that he made.

This poor dough was feeling the wrath of my frustrations now... Though it was finally coming together nicely.

He'd initiate the quick pecks on my cheek or forehead, but never anything more.


I wanted to try approaching this with a straightforward mindset, but this was Xander we were talking about.

I liked to think that I could read him easily, but once more complex reasonings come into it, I get lost.

Grabbing a pinch more flour from the jar to the side, I rubbed it into my hands and got back into work.

Only to jump at the sound of a very loud thud against the bar in the dining room, followed by a hushed, 'Ow' from Xander himself.

It took another few seconds before he tentatively pushed open the door and peeked inside.

"You can come in Xander, just know that I'm expecting you to act appropriately," Lily spoke up.

He sheepishly stepped inside, Lily and I surely giving him the same look as he did.

"Did you speed here?" I asked first.

"How could you tell," He smirked knowingly, stepping over to me while slowly surveying this large kitchen.

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