Xander's POV:
I told myself last night that I'd be awake before someone could come to get me, but due to some... unforeseen circumstances, I'd slept longer than intended.
The knocking at my door shot me into consciousness, noticing my mistake immediately.
I got dressed and ran some hands through my hair in a record time, opening the door to Emmet's familiar nervous-smiling face.
Sylvia, of course, took her place a few steps back, rubbing her eyes.
"Good morning Prince," He bowed, waving at the guards that stood by doors all night to step to the side
"There's been an uh- another change of plans from Sir Ardigan."
That was all I needed to hear for me to become fully awake, the built-up frustrations of yesterday returning in an instant after getting to forget about it for a while last night.
All of it on top of this new information stirred a growl in my throat, and an uneasy scent wafted from the three men around me.
"Of course there has," I deadpanned, stepping out from my room and shutting the door, "Just let it be known that if he wishes to delay this event any further that I will not be staying longer than planned."
I've done everything right during this trip as far as they're concerned. Everything expected of me and more. Even as far as allowing the previous disrespect and change of plans, but now I was done.
Nico wouldn't have been anywhere near as lenient. Nor would either of my parents.
If getting sent the second son to handle this matter was so disrespectful in his eyes, then he can settle with a broken treaty and see how far it gets him.
The man in front of me was only barely keeping it together.
"O-Of course, Prince, but I think that you may find this one more favorable than the last."
I quirked up a brow, signaling for him to continue.
"He wishes for you to join him for breakfast. Just the two of you. No scribe or guards or anything."
I noted the rise of a single brow in Sylvia, eyeing me as if she was looking for my approval.
He continued.
"He said that you can discuss any and all issues with him there as well as... make up for yesterday's absence."
Well... Though that did sound nice, I still had my suspicions.
I kept them in silence for a few seconds, wanting to see if it would elicit any more information on the topic, but I didn't.
"I see," I settled, "Is that happening now?"
"As soon as possible," He remarked, "He's already in his dining room waiting."
Is he now...
"Right," I sighed out, forcing the built-up tension and frustration away for the moment, "Lead the way then."
"The guards told me that you went hunting last night," He spoke up in a desperate attempt to change the subject and sway the tense atmosphere between all of us, "Which of our fine collection of wildlife did you choose? We've spent decades perfecting and culling the species in these woods to ensure their blood is as rich as could be. I'm just hoping it was to your liking."
Oh... Shit.
With as experienced as these vampires are with their senses, they're probably pretty skilled in lie detection. If no one else, then probably Emmet since he is Ardigan's assistant.

Taming A Predator
Vampir››BOOK 2 OF PREY‹‹ I was born into a world forever meant to be against me. Into a world, I was never supposed to get the opportunity to know. Created as lowly property to the savage, blood-thirsty predators that have long since dominated these lands...