Xander's POV:
I got myself together, packed up a bag of necessities, and kissed Doe goodbye all in the nick of time.
I got down to the registered ride to be met with my vampiric driver who also introduced herself as my clerk and stenographer for this trip. She introduced herself as Slyvia, we exchanged general formalities and promptly left from there.
I guess my parents didn't want to risk sending the typical human driver given the location.
The stenographer was to be expected. There was always someone documenting when these kinds of things happen for record-keeping sake
I denied the follow of guards when it was offered. I didn't see the point.
Nico described these vampires as downright savages, but even if that was true, no one could protect me better than I could. Guards would just add people that I felt the need to protect if things really were to go awry. Apparently, I'll be assigned some from their side when I get there anyway. Just to keep track of me I suppose.
That, and I really just wanted to be alone during this 90-mile car ride.
Give me some time with my thoughts to plan out this whole ordeal.
Whether on purpose or not, this was my first big job for my city, and i wanted to go through with it as smoothly as possible.
I was strangely caught off guard by my lack of nerves thinking about all of this. I'd been so used to them lately.
Instead in its place carried the knowledge I had that whatever happens, I'll be able to handle one way or another.
Hm... I missed this... Is this what Nico meant with the whole "trust yourself and your instinct will too' speech?
I leaned back, resting my elbows on top of the headrest and stared out the opposing window.
Take a minute to reminisce Doe's response to Nico's sudden favor.
"What's the problem?" I teased seeing her huffy posture while she followed me around to help pack my bag, "You planned on ditching me tonight anyway, but now that I'm ditching you, you're bummed?"
"I was just staying in your brother's room. You're leaving the castle completely." She deadpanned.
"So what I'm hearing is that you're missing me already?"
I got a swift swat on my arm for that.
"I'll be back by tomorrow afternoon," I chuckled, " With the night you plan on having you probably won't even be awake by the time I get back. And if I find a phone in the place I'm staying I'll call the room so you'll have the number."
She stayed silent for a moment to think that over.
"Whatever," She sighed, "Just hurry and pack so you have time to make this goodbye kiss last me until then."
I let my eyes close, head falling back against the vehicle wall, shifting my focus between the task at hand, and the girl I would soon return home to.
We were close. I could just... tell.
The energy in the air had shifted. Enough so to stir and pull at my instinct.
It had me sitting straighter, and at full alert, glancing at every movement out the window as it passed.
These vampires lived their lives as our ancestors did. Embracing our instinct instead of containing it. Hunting from the land itself

Taming A Predator
Vampiri››BOOK 2 OF PREY‹‹ I was born into a world forever meant to be against me. Into a world, I was never supposed to get the opportunity to know. Created as lowly property to the savage, blood-thirsty predators that have long since dominated these lands...