Chapter 17

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Xander's POV:

"Is it usually this desolate here?"

The snow crunched under my boots, rounding a tree as we traversed through the outskirts of the forest.

After a day full of having her exploring my home, we ended up here.

Not a whole lot of sun broke through the coverage of these woods, and therefore the snow that fell from weighing down the trees made for more of it to pile on the ground than out in the city.

It was peaceful in its silence, save for my steps and the occasional skittering of an animal.

The smaller ones like rabbits and squirrels were more common here at the edge, the heavier beasts hiding deeper than most humans would want to traverse.

I brought here knowing the added inches of snow would be a hassle not many wanted to deal with this time of year, and would instead just wait for it to get warmer entirely.

And the vampires that hunt these forests typically did so at night.

The snow issue, however, did end up being a short-lasting problem for us.

Doe had worn shoes built for snow, but not ones that were made for the deeper piles here.

It took a bit of convincing, but she eventually agreed to let me carry her.

I had her on my back, arms hooked under her thighs with her arms loosely crossed near my neck.

Her head rested close to my shoulder, taking in the sights of the little peeks of sunlight reflecting off of ice, and the crocus blooming.

So I had absolutely no issue when it came to keeping warm.

"This time of year, yes," I answered, "Around this time, people are getting preparations set for the start of spring, so they tend to stick closer to town."

"And where was that spot you mentioned before? The one with the lake?"

I gestured towards the south with my nose since my hands were preoccupied.

"About three miles that way."


I snickered at her exclamation.

"Mhm. did you forget I have advanced speed and can get us there in seconds?" I prodded.

She gave a quiet scoff.

"Yeah. Speed you cant control according to Nico." she chaffed.

My laugh followed through at her true, yet mildly misinformed remark.

Nico insisted on carrying me everywhere when we were little whenever speed was used because he didn't want me to get hurt.

Which eventually led to me missing out on a few vital years of practice back when my advancements were weaker due to my age.

From there I could just never get the hang of it 100% of the time.

Not that I regret it at all. I think it adds to my charm.

"With you on my back like this, I don't think that will be much of an issue."

My entirety pulled itself together when it came down to her. It was practically in my instincts to do everything to keep her from getting hurt.

"Mmhm. Whatever you say," She rested her head fully on my left shoulder while I continued aimlessly walking through the scenery I'd missed.

My head jerked to the right at the sound of scurrying, my senses activating on an instinct.

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