Chapter 52

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Doe's POV:

"Hang on. You were how old when you first trashed this kitchen?" I asked an already embarrassed Xander.

He and I ended up sitting at the bar of the dining room far into the night, chatting between ourselves and Lily as soon as she was done for the night.

It was only us left, and so I'd asked Lily if she had any dirt on Xander that got passed down through her family that she hadn't yet told me.

Childhood memories that he didn't want to tell me.

And ones he still didn't want me to hear if the way he had his hand over his mouth and covering his cheeks told me anything.

But he didn't stop Lily from sharing them, which I was happy about because I was loving every single one.

"Six." He finally answered, "But in my defense, that was all Nico's idea."

"Mhm, if coarse it was," I teased.

I believed him since he typically owned up to his antics as a child, it was just fun to watch him get embarrassed.

I hid my smile imagining a little six-year-old Xander causing havoc.

For some reason, my brain could not for the life of it picture a young Nico alongside him.

"From what I heard, you two were up early the next morning digging chocolate chips out from under the cabinets and sweeping a flour mixture off the floor." Lily chimed.

"Yeah... Asterid had to clean up the jar shards for us too," He quietly added.

An old cook if I had to guess.

Lily let out a quiet laugh, "And yet it never dissuaded you from attempting something else a little while later."

"Nico was committed and I...," He thought for a moment, "Didn't want to miss out. If one of us was getting busted, then both of us were."

Lily just smiled, "That's true. If there's one thing I remember from these stories it's that you and Nico were always partners in crime. You two may have caused problems, but we always admired the bond you two had."


I knew Nico and Xander were insanely close throughout their childhood, but hearing it from someone else just amplified it.

Xander sat in his red-faced glory thinking back on all of these memories.

"Well, anywho, I'll see what other stories I can find from my family's old journals. I need to do a few more things in the kitchen before I head home for the night. Do you two need anything else before I lock up?" Lily asked.

Xander and I both shook our heads, thoroughly satisfied with the snacks and drinks she'd been providing all night, and she toddled back into the kitchen with a nod.

He let out a long huff of a sigh now this his embarrassment seemed over for the night, getting met with a mischievous raising of my eyebrows.

"How come you've never trashed a kitchen in the dead of night with me." I chaffed feigning jealousy.

He smiled, resting his cheek on his fist to face me, "Because you enjoy your cooking lessons with Lily and I don't wanna get you on the 'banned list' with me."

True. Lily had been keeping occupied nearly as much as Khloe and Marcus did.

"And what makes you think that we'd get caught?" I questioned.

I personally think we'd pull something off fantastically.

"My track record is not the greatest," He began, Hushing down his voice before speaking the next part, "Ask me again after you're a vampire."

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