Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

My alarm rings and I quickly hit it off. Filo is sprawled across my chest, still sleeping. "Filo, get up little man." I yawn poking him gently.

He meows, stretches and then rolls off me, leaving me covered in black hairs. "Thanks Filo, that's exactly what I need." I sigh, rolling my eyes as I brush myself down. 

I get up and have a quick shower, letting the hot water wash away my worries. I'm so tense and a little nervous about Harry coming over. Is this a good idea, or am I just racing into things too fast? That familiar butterfly feeling in the pit of my stomach returns but it's not pleasant, it's once again making me feel sick.

I grab a towel and wrap it around myself before making my way downstairs to get a pain killer. I don't want to bail on Harry so I'll just deal with the pain and hope it goes away by itself. I pour myself a glass of water and chuck the tablet down my throat, shuddering at the taste of it in my mouth. I run upstairs again and grab my phone to see a text from an unknown number:

Hey Jess :) don't be nervous about today, ok? Hx

I smile and feel the pain in my stomach begin to fade away; I don't think it's down to the painkillers.

Thanks Harry, that's actually made me feel a lot better. See you soon :) x

I'm about to get up, when my phone buzzes again, making me jump.

It's from Maggie. Thanks for telling me that ur ex bf is HARRY STYLES >:(

Oh god. I forgot about Maggie. In fact I had completely forgot about work! I decide not to reply and to just leave it until she's cooled off a bit. Surprisingly I've received no phone calls or messages from Lucie asking me about my incident yesterday. I'm off today anyway but it's still surprising that she hasn't called to question me about my tiff with Harry. Maybe he's said something to her? Maybe he explained it all?

I'm just applying the last of my make up when I hear the door go. I look at my reflection in the mirror and back combed my roots a bit more. My hair is naturally quite thin and it doesn't hold much volume unless I tease the roots with a comb. It's now sitting perfectly, not too big but not too thin. I've settled on wearing my grey skinny jeans, red pumps and my baby blue knitted jumper.

I run down stairs and see Harry leaning against the porch window with a nervous look on his face. I breathe a sigh of relief. At least he's feeling the same way as me. He's wearing his black skinny jeans and his brown leather jacket. For one millisecond, a thought pops into my head: WOW. He's looks...great.

I shake my head, ridding myself of the stupid thought. He does look great but that doesn't make me like him anymore than I did. I swing open the door and Filo comes rubbing against my feet.

"Hi..." I greet him shyly with a smile.

He flings out his arms and pulls me in for friendly hug, making me gasp. I was not expecting this sort of greeting. His scent fills my nostrils and it's so familiar that tears almost spring to my eyes. It's a scent that makes me feel safe and brings back good memories. Fuck Jess, pull yourself together.

"The house is amazing! How'd you afford it?! You're making me look like the magazine interviewer!" He laughs.

I'm a little taken back by his comment and I'm sure he didn't mena anything bad by it... "Oh um thanks, well with a little help from Mum and Dad, anything is possible." I smirk.

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