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Hey guys! So sad the story's over, I know, but I was wondering if you guys could give me some ideas for what to write next. Of course it has to be One Direction related, obviously, but I wasn't too sure wheather a Liam Payne story would interest you guys :L I mean I know most of you love One Direction but you all seem like Harry fans *high fives you* and not really Liam :L Tell me who your favourite is and whoever gets the most votes, I'll write a story about! Although I'm afraid it can't be about Harry as I've already wrote one on Harry, sorry gurlies :( Please do leave a comment as I'm so confused on what to do now and help from you guys would be great :) Thank you! Lana XxXxxxXXxXxXxXxxXxXxxxXxXXxXXxX

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