My Boyfriend - Harry Styles (Chapter 17)

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100 VOTES! WHEYHEYHEY! Thank you so much guys, I really appreciate it :) You've all been so sweet and supportive! Thank you :) I hope you enjoy this chapter, it's Jess's POV :) Lana XxXxXxXxxxxxxXxXxXxXxXxXxxXx

Chapter 17 Jess's POV

I looked at Harry. My mouth fell open, I never knew he felt like this. Yeah sure, he kissed me but I didn't know he really loved me. I was about to speak when suddenly I heard a voice shouting from the hall. "Jess! Harry! Are you here?" Harry spun round in his chair and I looked over his shoulder. Liam and Georgia walked in hand in hand, holding Tesco bags. "Oh sorry, are we interupting something?" Liam asked looking back at me then Harry. "No." "Yes." Me and Harry both said at the same time. I looked at Harry who raised his eyebrows at me as if to say 'yes they are!' "Come on in!" I exclaimed bekcoming them in. Harry rolled his eyes then put on a smile as he went over to hug Liam and Georgia.

"The door was open so we thought we'd just come in and surprise you!" Georgia said as she hugged me and Harry. I looked at her other shoulder as she was hugging us and saw Harry mouthing at me "Tell them to leave." I stuck my tongue out and took the bags off Georgia. "What are these?" I asked looking at the Tesco bags. "Well, we brought a DVD and some treats!" She squealed as she cuddled into Liam.

"Yayyyy!" I said sarcastically making Harry chuckle behind Liam. Georgia was totally oblivious to my sarcasm, I had to make it really obvious for her to actually realise it. She jumped up and down while clapping her hands. "Ughh, don't you just love this?! It's like old times again." She sighed as Liam hugged her. I looked at Harry who was leaning against the door frame looking lovely as usual. What the hell! Is that drool?! I wiped my mouth and saw saliva all over my hand. Unbelievable! I was drooling at him. He noticed what I was doing and sent a quick wink and chuckled at me. I felt my cheeks go red. Great.

"How about you guys go get comfortable in the living room, me and Jess can get everything ready." Harry said as he pushed Liam and Georgia out of the door. I giggled a little as Georgia was trying to grab her bag but Harry wasn't having any of it. "You can get it later Georgia." He sighed, still pushing her out of the kitchen. "But, but!" "No buts Georgia!" Harry said as he closed the door to the kitchen. He spun round and looked at me expectantly. Oh shit. He wanted an exclaimation. "Well, say something." He smiled. I looked down at my feet, trying to find the right words. "Harry I-" "JESS! DO YOU HAVE ANY POPCORN?!" Harry slid down the door to the floor, burying his head in his hands. "Yes Georgia!" I giggled. He laughed too and then patted the spot beside him on the floor. I smiled and then sat myself down.

My hand fell to my side and he intertwined his fingers through mine. I looked down at our hands, they were like a perfect match. I don't know how I never saw that before. I looked up at Harry who was also staring at our hands. He blinked then a huge smile creeped onto his face that literally killed me inside. I see what all the fans see in him, I see his gleaming teeth, his cheeky smile, his gorgeous curls, his amazing fashion sense, his sexy boxers-on-show-over-trousers look, his humour, his personality, his cheeky charm and not forgetting his killer green eyes.

 I see why all the girls love him and want to marry him but what I don't see, is why he loves me. I'm your avreage girl: brown hair, brown eyes, average height, average weight. There's nothing special about me, I've never been the girl that all the guys want, I've never been the girl who's complained about being too ugly or too fat. Yeah, I've got great friends and a great family, and I'm really lucky to have that but I seriously don't understand how I attract Harry Styles!

"What's wrong?" He asked me. "Nothing, it's just..." I paused. I didn't know how to put want I wanted to say into words. "Why do you love me? Why?" I asked feeling a little embarrassed. Harry laughed. "Because, you're the only girl who makes me feel like this. You're the only girl that can make me smile without even doing anything. You make me laugh, you're stunning and you're the one I want to spend the rest of my life with." He squeezed my hand tight making me smile. That was so sweet.

 "GUYS! WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN THERE?!" Liam shouted. I let go of Harrys' hand and stood up. "Come on they're getting annoyed." I said as I smiled down at him. I gave my hand to pull himself up. "Jess, can you please just tell me if you feel the same way I do so I'm not turning myself into a nervous wreck." He asked looking hurt. This was it. This was my big moment to tell him. The door flung open. "What are you doing?! Come on! It's been 15 minutes!" Liam exclaimed. I didn't care weather we were alone or not, I've waited long enough to tell Harry how I feel. Yeah, I've put it off a few times but now I really do realise that he is the one.

"Harry." I said grabbing his hand making him look at me. "What?" He asked nervously. "I do love you. I'm sorry I put it off so many times, but you made me realise how perfect we are together. And I miss that so much, I miss how we carry on together, I miss hugging you and telling you I love you, I miss getting little text messages from you during the day but most of all, I just miss you. You're the one that makes me laugh when I'm sick, you're the one that has a strange relationship with my cat, you're the one I want to be with." I could feel myself filling up with tears. All the feelings I felt for him all just came pouring out. I was scared to look at him, just incase he was creeped out by what I just said.

I looked up at him and he was grinning insanely, probably at the cat bit. His hand squeezed mine and then he pulled me in for a hug, as if to say thank you. Georgia and Liam were standing in the door way admiring us, Georgia nearly in tears. "I love you Jess Wilson." Harry mumbled. My heart skipped a beat and I soon realised that I was going to have to get used to that. "I love you Harry Styles." I said burying my face into his neck and inhaling the scent of Lynx. "Awwwww." Liam and Georgia chorused together making me and Harry laugh. "How about we leave the movie with you guys and me and Liam will go, huh?" Georgia asked looking at me. "Thanks guys." Harry said as he wrapped his arm around my waist and smiled at me.


We said our goodbyes and waved Liam and Georgia off. "So, what do you wanna do?" Harry asked flashing a killer smile. "God, you'd think I'd have got used to that smile by now but you know what, I haven't." I sighed. He laughed and pulled me into him close so that our noses were nearly touching. "I've missed you so much." He mumbled. "Ummm, I've missed you too Haz." I smiled as I wrapped my arms around his neck. He wriggled his eyebrows making me laugh a little and then he kissed me. This time it felt right, it felt so right. His lips were so gentle were as before he was kind of forceful. I ran my hands through his curls making me die a little again, he had such nice hair. All I could here was little groans coming from him but then I felt something rubbing against my feet, purring. That was definately not Harry.

We both stopped kissing and looked down to see Filo gleaming his big green eyes up at us. "He looks happy." Harry smirked. "I'm happy." I replied smiling at him. "I am too, I couldn't be more happier." He replied, his arms still wrapped tightly around my waist. This was a moment I wanted to remember. Me, Harry and Filo. One big happy family. Well, practically a family. It was just like old times again. "Right, let's watch this movie." Harry said as he kissed my forehead and headed for the living room. Okay, yes, I admit, I may have watched his ass as he walked in but hey, that wasn't wrong anymore. I could do that without feeling wierd, I could do that and think 'WOW. That's my boyfriend.' And doing that felt great ;)



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