My Boyfriend - Harry Styles (Chapter 18)

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Ahhhhh! Who loved the last chapter? I was so happy writing it, I was smiling like hell ;D I hope you all loved it and as you may have realised, I'm coming towards the end nearly *cries hysterically* I know, I know. Sad times, right? But I promise to end it happily :D Don't worry though! There's still a few chapters left to go, I'm just letting you guys know :) I hope you enjoy them and thank you all so much for the support, continue voting please!! It would mean a lot to me if you did :D Thank Youuuuuuu :) Lana XxxXxXxXXxXxXxXxXxxXxXxXxXxxXxxXXXXx

Chapter 18 Harrys' POV

I was so happy. She loved me! Finally she said it herself! I had to tell Louis the good news. "I'm just guna make a phone call baby." I said as I got up off the sofa. "You wouldn't be ringing Louis by any chance?" She asked smirking at me. "Pfffft. No." I looked left and right to show her I was joking. She laughed. Man, I loved her laugh. "I'll ring Hannah then." She sighed, getting up. "Alrightee then." I said kissing her forehead as she hugged me. This felt so good, being able to kiss her again. I watched her walk off to her room and then I went into the kitchen.


"Hey Louis." I laughed, I couldn't wait to tell him the news.

"Well! Did it work!?"

"Nahhhh, she hates me." I joked. I was smiling insanely though.

"What? No way!" He exclaimed.

"Yeah." I sighed, trying to sound convincing.

"I'm so sorry mate."


"WHAT?! You are going out!"

"Yeah, we are." I beamed.

"Harry, bruv, I love you but that joke was mean."

I laughed. "Sorry Lou Lou. Look I gotta go."

"Awww, you can't stay away from her for too long, huh?"

"Yeah, I miss her aleady." I laughed.

"I'll text you later."



"Love you too Louis." I laughed.

I hung up and turned round to see Jess leaning against the doorframe, looking very sexy. "You cheating on me mister?" She said crossing her arms with a smirk on her face. I laughed. "Why the hell would I do that?" I said, walking over to her. I wrapped my arms around her waist making her smile. "Did you ring Hannah?" I asked.

 I was mesmorised by her eyes, they were so beautiful. "Yeah I did. She seemed more happy about it than I am!" I felt a bit hurt when she said that. "But that's impossible." She sighed happily, probably sensing my pain. I smiled at her and kissed her forehead as she rested her head against my chest. This is what I've wanted for five years and now, it's finally happened.

"Right, let's watch this movie then." Jess said smiling at me. She had braces when she was thirteen so her teeth were really straight now, making her smile make me melt. I relunctantly let go of her and went into the living room. "What is the movie?" She asked looking for it. "Promise you'll watch it, no matter what it is?" I asked her smirking at her. It was Paranormal Activity 2 and I know she hates scary movies but I really wanted to see this one.

"Oh god. What is it?" She asked with a worried look on her face. I pulled the DVD out of the bag to reveal the front cover which was a dog barking at the open door. "No. No way. I am not watching that!" She exclaimed pointing at the cover, already horrified. "Oh come on! It'll be fine, I promise. No monsters or ghosts will get you, I'll fight them off." I said giving her a quick wink. "Fine." She sighed, smiling at my cheesiness.

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