Chapter 11

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Heyy guys! I hope you're all still enjoying the story! Keep voting, fanning and commenting if you are! I love to hear what you guys think :) Thanks for all the support so far! Enjoy! Lana XxXxXxXxXxXx

Chapter 11

Why the hell did God have to make love so confusing? Seriously though, why couldn't we just fall in love, get married, have kids and die happy? Is that too much to ask? I lift down a mug from the top cupboard and throw in a tea bag.

So far everything has went swimmingly apart from the fact we nearly kissed. Praise the lord for Filo. He's going to get a very nice non-diet dinner tonight. The kettle clicks and I pour the boiling hot water into the mug, watching the little tea bag swirl round in it. Who'd have thought watching a tea bag could be so entertaining? Wow. Look at me. I'm watching a frigging tea bag! Jess!

I shake myself and lift the mug into the living room for Harry. "Here you go." I say. passing him the mug.

"Thanks." He replies with a smile that could kill me. But it doesn't, I have become immune to those million dollar smiles he always flashes. It took me a while but I eventually became immune. If I hadn't then I'd probably be a puddle on the floor right now.

I sit back down on the sofa, curling my feet underneath me. Harry chuckles and I feel the awkward, tense atmosphere disappear.

"What?" I ask him curiously. Is he laughing at the tea or me?

"You're acting all uncomfortable."

"No I'm not! Why would I feel uncomfortable?!" I lie. He knows I know what he's talking about.

"Look Jess, please don't be like this with me. I want us to be friends not enemies. I know it's going to be difficult at first but you need relax, otherwise we'll be stuck in this loop forever."

I look up at him... Okay, I wasn't immune to his smiles, I never was. I can feel myself staring at him but I can't pull my gaze away from him. He's so good looking...

"Earth to Jessica... Hello?" He says, waving his hand in front of my face.

"Sorry, I blanked out." I say, trying to recover myself.

Suddenly his phone rings. "Harry, change your ring tone." I chuckle, it was Forever Young, the boys first single.

He rolls his eyes and answers the phone. "Hello?" I do love him but not in that way. Do I want to love him in that way again? I don't know. I mean, a million girls would kill to be in my place right now, but I wouldn't. This whole meeting has just confused me even more. 


"JESS! HARRY'S AT THE DOOR!" My dad shouted upstairs.

I paused my iPod and quickly made my way downstairs, the thought of seeing him making my heart flutter.

"Hey stranger." He said as I met him at the door.

He wrapped his arms around me tight as flung my own arms around his neck. "You busy?" He asked after we'd finished hugging.

"Nope, why? You wanna take me somewhere?" I asked with a smirk.

"Maybe." He smiled.

I grabbed my leather jacket, which was originally his, and headed out the door with Harry.

"So where are you taking me?" I asked as he played with our intertwined fingers.

"Back to mine." He laughed.

"Harrrrrry." I pouted.

"Why, don't you wanna spend some time with your hot ass boyfriend?!" He asked with a smirk. I laughed as he pulled me close to him.

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