My Boyfriend - Harry Styles (Chapter 15)

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Guys, I love you! You've been so supportive and the comments have helped so much! Thank you all :) This is Harrys' POV and I hope you enjoy it. If you do please comment, vote and fan :D Love you all! Lana XxXXxXxxXxXXxXXxxXxXXxXxXxXxXxXxxXXxxXXxX

Guys, please listen to the youtube video at the side. It's a great song that basically explains how Jess is feeling right now. All thanks to @InspireByDesire xxx

Chapter 16 Harrys' POV

I decide to meet Liam and Georgia near Hanley's. Walking down the busy high street I get stopped by a few girls wearing One Direction t-shirts. "Oh my gosh! Can we have a picture Harry?" The girl squeals, bursting my ear drum. 

"Yeah sure!" I reply putting my arm around her for the photo. Just as the other girl presses the button on the camera, she places her lips on my cheek. 

"Okay! Well thanks for the support and all..." I exclaim and jump back, walking in the other direction feeling a little violated. I should be used to this attention by now but truthfully I don't think it will ever sink in for me...

 I soon spy Liam and Georgia leaning against the wall at Hanley's scanning the crowd for me. I approach them and give them both a hug but suddenly regret my decision to join them. Shopping on a busy Saturday like this is just asking for bad news. I already see hundreds of young girls walking past with shopping bags, laughing with their girlfriends. If I so much as wave at them I could put Liam and I in serious danger; shopping without security is literally life threatening for us now!

We in and out of shops, me following behind them like a lost puppy. It wasn't so much third wheeling, more feeling sorry for myself. Liam's been so happy recently and I honestly think it's because of Georgia. I recognise the happiness he has because once upon a time I used to have it too. 

When we enter Hollister I try to separate myself from them, going over to look at the body warmers trying to distract myself. I flick through a rail of hoodies when suddenly I feel a tap on my shoulder. "Hey stranger."

I can't believe my eyes. It was Lauren. As if today couldn't get any worse for me. She looks the exact same as the night I asked her; fake and loud. "Lauren! Hi!" I exclaim, wrapping my arms around her giving her a pathetic excuse for a hug. 

She's wearing a skirt barely covering her thighs and a top barely covering her boobs, much the same outfit as that night it all went wrong.

"How are you baby?!" She squeals, kissing each of my cheeks. 

She stinks of smoke and her bright pink lipstick is smeared on her teeth slightly. "I'm fine, you?" 

"Ughh I'm amazing baby! How're you and Tess?" She asks fixing her hair extensions.

"Jess, yeah we're not together anymore." I reply shyly. I don't feel comfortable discussing this with her. 

"Awww, I'm sorry to hear that baby! I hope I had nothing to do with that." Suddenly she links her arm through mine and starts walking towards the dresses. "So you're single then?" She asks raising her eye brows.

"Umm yeah. I guess I am." This is seriously wrong. 

"Harry?! Harry where are you?" I hear Liam shouting.

"Liam!" I shout, praying to god he rescues  me from this stripper like girl. 

"There you ar-" Liam stops talking and looks Lauren up and down. 

"Liam this is Lauren, Lauren this is Liam." I unlink my arm from hers and go to stand by Liam.

"Well um, it's nice to meet you Lauren. Will you be joining us?"

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