Chapter 7

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Heyyyy guys! CLIFF-HANGER AGAIN, I KNOW! Mwahahahahhaa. Don't you just hate them ;) Well all will be revealed, that's all I can say ;) Lana XxXxXxXxX PS there's alot of flashbacks in this chapter ;) PLEASE VOTE!!

Chapter 7 Jess' POV

Before I spin round to see who it is, I smile picturing Harry with a sad look, willing to apologise for being a dickhead. I look round to see Louis standing there, staring at me. How wrong I was.

"Please don't go Jess. Not like last time." He blurts out.

"What?" I ask, him shocked.

"Don't leave like last time. We missed you so much! Don't put him through that pain again Jess. I can't stand it when he's sad." He says sadly, letting go of my arm and hugging me.

"I don't want my best friend to go through another depression stage for a year, Jess." I can't help but smile at how cute it is that he's looking out for Harry.

"But Louis, I don't love him. He doesn't love me, if anything we dislike each other a lot!" I reply, breaking the silence.

"Why? What's not to like?!" He asks bringing me into the little room on the left.

It's an office with a desk and chairs. The walls are pretty plain... Why the hell am I worried about the décor? "Because, he's already moved on. I mean look at him with Frankie. And he clearly was not pleased to see me." I sigh, trying to bring myself back to the matter at hand. 

"He doesn't love Frankie! Surely you out of all people could see that! He tells me all the time that Frankie isn't the one. She's a publicity stunt organised by our managers but she's convinced that her and Harry have a 'spark' which of course they don't." Louis mumbles, looking down at his feet disappointingly.

"Serious? Well, that doesn't mean he likes me Lou." I say, touching his arm reassuringly and getting up to leave. I don't want to sit talk about the past.

He looks up at me and smiles. "I just don't want to loose my sista' from anotha' mista' again." He replies, hugging me again.

I smile, "Here, take my number and ring me if he starts to get depressed. It's highly unlikely though." I smile passing him my card with my number on it.

"Thanks." He smiles. I get up and give him one last hug before leaving to go to my car. "Bye Jessie!" He shouts behind me. He always called me Jessie, he knew it winded me up.

I jump into my car and head to my mum and dad's house. I have to have a one to one chat with mum about all this hallabullou. As I'm driving, I start thinking about what Louis had said to me. Did Harry really go through depression for me? I mean I know he loved me but he didn't exactly think about that when he... Ugh, why did he have to ruin everything? 

I get out of my car and head up the path to my old home...


"So, did you enjoy tonight?" Harry winked as we walked up the path to my house.

We had just came back from star-gazing in the field near by. When I say star-gazing I mean kissing but also looking at the stars of course.

"Yeah, it was fun. A really sweet idea." I smiled back at him as he put his arm around me,"You're too sweet." I said leaning into him.

"Nah. You're just worth it." He smiled.

We were now standing at my front door, only the porch light making us visible.

"I love you babe." He said taking hold of my hands and making my heart melt.

"I love you more." I replied wrapping my arms around his neck. He grinned and pressed his lips hard onto mine. I could feel him running his tongue along my lips making me smile.

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