Mikey / Sano Manjiro

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- Sweet
- Clingy T3T
- Spoils you / will buy you whatever even if he doesn't have money
- He'll do anything for you , He will steal for you and kill just for you
- Get's jealous really quick
- Cuddles~
- Cheek kisses~
- Little pec's on the lips~
- My Queen ~
- Baby , babe , <3 ,Princess , bae
- Lot's of mini dates ~
- Amusement parks~
- Picnics ~
- Wherever you want to go ^3^
- ~Mine~
No One's POV :
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I wake up to see Mikey spooning me with cuddles ' He is so adorable , I wanna take a picture but I don't know where my phone is ' as I moved around to see where my phone is I heard a little groan followed by Mikey telling me to stop moving and go back to sleep . " Mikey...do you know where my phone is ? " I asked him " No...now sleep before I spoon you with cuddles even more " " Ok but...can I go bathroom first ? I really got to go " he sighed and agreed but told me to hurry up . I get up and go to the bathroom near our room .

After doing my business , I go back to see an empty bed ' Wait hold up , didn't he tell me to hurry up cause he wanted sleep + cuddles ? ' I go in the room and right before I actually enter Mikey jump-scares me . " AHHH MIKEY !! "  " Hehe sorry love but you took too long in the bathroom " He apologised . I sigh , " Mikey...I didn't even take 3 minutes " you told him and he had that look that was saying ' Haha I knew that...' you started laughing and told him to get ready .

After a while you guys got ready . you were wearing ( one of the 3 outfits below ) :

 you were wearing ( one of the 3 outfits below ) :

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( if you don't like them you can wear another one ^^ )

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( if you don't like them you can wear another one ^^ )

You got the key's to the motorcycle and went off to the gang to do gang stuff 😎 and you decided to join them for once . " But baby , what if you get hurt ? then it'll be my fault and what if you die ? " Mikey pouts and panics a little . You hugged him by the neck and kissed him before saying " Mikey~ I'll be fine besides I know some martial arts " he still hesitated but let you join . He made sure that you were by him and if you weren't he would send either Mitsuya or Kisaki to go after you , but whenever he sent Kisaki you came back angry and mad . Let's just say you hate that guy , he looked like trouble so Mikey decided to send only Mitsuya to go after you . You liked Mitsuya he is like a big brother to you , you trusted him and felt safe with him ( whenever Mikey isn't there with you ) . 

Today Mitsuya was away so he sent Kisaki after you , which you didn't appreciate . When you guys got to the gang you kicked Kisaki down . " Woah what happened ? Why'd you send him down ? " Mikey asked confused as hell " Well Mikey , you see this son of a motherfucking asshole, decided that it was a good idea to slap my ass " You lied but who cares , you don't like this guy and he sounds like trouble " Now he did what ? " Mikey said in his dark , impulsive tone which scared the hell out of everyone " I'm joking babe but why would you let him in our gang ?" " Because he is strong and can help our gang ? " Mikey said questioningly " Yea , help our gang go down the drain " at this point you were pissed and felt like murdering someone , Mikey sighed " Fine next time I'll send Peh after you " now you were happy " Thank you baby ! " you hugged him by the neck and gave him a little kiss . You trusted Peh since he was also like a big brother to you . 


After a few training rounds with Mikey , you and Mikey went home . You both flopped onto the bed " Mikey...get up we have to shower " you groaned but got up either way cause you didn't like the way you smelled .

You grabbed your clothes , towels and everything else you needed  then got in the shower . You took your time not to mention the water relaxed your muscles . After your shower you wore your clothes , brushed your hair and put it in a loose braid . You got out to see that Mikey still hasn't got out of his shower ( Yes ya'll live in the same house and have 2 showers😫 💅 ) so you decided to go on your phone and do whatever . Not long after Mikey came out the shower " Hey Mike-! " You stopped halfway to admire how hot Mikey looked with his hair down , no shirt on ( which meant abs 😏 🤤 ) and some grey sweatpants . " Y/N are you okay ? Your all red . Was the water too hot or do you have a fever ? " Mikey asked while you tried to calm your racing heart that was about to jump out of your chest and out your mouth " Eheh I-I'm fine Mikey don't worry about me " you were still red and trying to calm down . " I'm gonna go get some f-food... " You said and went to the kitchen . You decided to make some Doroyaki since it was Mikey's favourite but you also decided to make your f/f ( favourite food ) .

After cooking the meals you prepared the dishes , too bad the shelf was too high for you . You were trying to reach the plates before you felt someone behind you pick you up . You got the plates and turn around to be met face first with someone's chest . You look up to see Mikey giggling " Oi ! What you giggling about ? " You said annoyed " Nothing~ Let's eat ? " Mikey changed the subject but you didn't mind " Oh yea just gimme one second " You quickly grabbed his flag and put it on his meal you also got a similar one to his and put it on your meal " Here ya go Mikey ~ " you said as you put down both your meals on the table " WOAH ! IS THAT MY FLAG ?! THANKS Y/N~! " " Haha it's my pleasure Mikey~ " . " Itadikimasu~ " You both said in sync and started eating .

 After eating you guys watched a horror movie , Lallarona . Half way Mikey was no where until you looked under the covers of the blanket to see him traumatised , you couldn't help but laugh . " Never ever show me another horror movie EVER AGAIN " Mikey said but still a little shook up " " Didn't you say that horror movies aren't that scary and that they're boring ? " you said still trying not to laugh 

* Flashback * 

" Mikey , let's watch a horror movie ! " you suggested " But Y/N , horror movies suck , they're boring ! "

* End of Flashback * 

" Oh yea....eheheheheheh.... " He chuckled nervously , you rolled your eyes . You checked the time to see that it's nearly night time . " Mikey , let's eat dinner then sleep ? " You asked him " Hm...Yea let's go ! " 

After you guys ate

You guys washed the dishes , cleaned the dinner table then went to get ready for bed . " Goodnight Mikey~ " " Goodnight Y/N~ " you both then went to sleep while cuddling .








( I got lazy in the end , forgive me 😭 )

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