Ran Haitani (a.e 2 )

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In this story Y/n will be joining Bonten :)

No in the a.e 1 they didn't actually join Bonten, Y/n only pretended to join and collect information from Bonten ( and yes they're with the police not a gang organisation, Y/n only lied to Ran and stuff so they're cover wouldn't be blown ) but in this story Y/n is gonna ACTUALLY join Bonten~♡


Previously :

I slowly opened my eyes to see a dark room and 2 figures standing. " MmMmMm " I tried to say something , I tried to move my hands and legs but ofc , they were tied "Oh...brother look...she's awake " it was Rindou's voice ' shit...'.

" Oh hello dear~ " Ran said coming up to me and crouching down " Mmm " I tried to say something " oh let me untie the cloth for you~" he said as he looked to Rindou signaling him to untie the cloth , Rindou did as told. " Where am I? " I said trying not to show them of how scared I was " no where you need to know about...now lets have a chat shall we? " Ran gave me a closed eye smile...his smile...it wasn't malicious...but neither was it sweet...how does one do it like that?

I stayed quiet " Now...tell me your name dear~ " ugh what's with the nickname? I stayed quiet not answering them " Ok fine don't tell us...we'll just find it out ourselves..." Ran said as he got up and went behind me. I could feel him bend down a little just enough for his mouth to get near my ear " Now~ tell us who you work for~ " his voice raspy and his breath hot against my ear and somewhere from my jawline down to my collarbone.

" Not gonna answer, hm? ok " he paused " BRING THEM IN " Rindou shouted.

My eyes widened in surprise as I saw my f/p/n ( favourite person name ) tied up to a chair with a gun being pointed to their head. " f/p/n...NO! " I shouted as tears started to form " Tell us who you work for...or they get it " F/p started crying " fuck " I muttered under my breath " ok then shoot the- " " FINE I WORK FOR A GANG ORGANISATION ! " I yelled out before they could even finish their sentence.

" They weren't even real , remove the hallucination please...thank you " he turned to me...this asshole tricked me..." anyways dear~ quit your job and join us~ we can get you whatever you want~ " Ran said lifting my chin up...should I?



" hmm..." I hummed as I thought about my decision while Ran took his finger off of my chin but before he turned away " I wanna join~ " I said quickly with a big grin on my face.

Ran had a look of surprise on his face but smiled and cheered " Yaaaayyyy~! A new member! Rindou! go tell boss that we have a new member joining us" Rindou nodded and went.

Ran POV:

After my brother left the room I started talking to Y/n about who knows what. We just took advantage of time and talked about eachother getting to know eachother but we got carried away as I forgot that we had a meeting to attend to.

As I was speaking I realised Y/n looking over at my features, I smirked at Y/n's face as they were in so much concentration on my face "Y/n...Y/n...Y/n" I continued saying their name while clicking my fingers "U-uh sorry" they quickly replied "Y/n~" I said as seductively as I could, getting closer to their face "H-huh?!" they're eyes widened in surprise and shock "You were checking me out, weren't youu~" extending the 'u' sound at the end "n-nooo haha what do you mean...I-I wasn't checking you out haha..." I stared into their eyes...it was like that for awhile...before we heard a cough "*cough*" I quickly straightened up and looked at my brother "haha yes Rindou, what is it my dear brother~?" I chuckled nervously "We have a meeting to attend and your horribly late" he said looking at his watch.

"O-oh ok sorry, we will be right there...I'll just untie Y/n real quick hehe..." and with that Rindou left.

After he left me and Y/n looked at eachother and we burst out laughing, Y/n fell on the floor WITH the chair and I laughed so hard my stomach started hurting and tears were forming from laughing so much "Ok,ok...lets...lets get you untied" I said catching my breath, wiping a tear and holding my stomach.


Ok imma stop here bc I lost some motivation but yea bye byee hope yall enjoyed this~!

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