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Today I had decided to go see Melissa, after the talk I had with my lovely wife. I woke up early in the morning... since Lilliana was still sleeping, I decided to go without telling her...

"Good morning dear Melissa."

"Alana is the problem."


"She wanted you with all that is in her heart, but she didn't realise that you'll always go back to Lilliana."

"Uhhhh... I'm confused."

"Let me clarify but first, sit."

"Yes Ma'am."
I took a seat opposite to her, which means I was facing her...

"You see, Alana was convinced that she loved you. But she was forcing something that wasn't hers to possess... She wanted you to love her as much as you do, Lilliana. She wanted you to disregard her as your perfect wife, she technically wanted to replace Lilliana in your heart."

"That's impossible."

"She knew. But she wasn't willing to give you up, even if it meant casting spells on you."

I stood up & started pacing around the warm,cosy hut...

"Mhm... Alana realised that, you loved Lilliana. She went to my sister, Melina, the dark witch."

"And then?"
I urged her to continue...

"She went to your wife & deceived her into forgiving her. Since your wife is sooo naïve, she forgave & asked her to make you coffee. That's how she manipulated your mind & body. She cast a spell on your coffee & poured a love potion inside."
She sighed... I've never heard her sigh...

"Please continue..."
I urged... her eyes began to glow, and they had turned from blue to purple... it means she feels someone's pain, but whose?

"The potion was for you to turn against your wife & in turn you started hurting her, emotionally & physically you could also include verbally."
With that said... I could feel my legs weaken and I fell on my knees...

"Why didn't she tell me?"
I murmured...

"She's protecting you... all those years of torture & pain, but she still loved you."

"All this because of Alana? All the suffering my wife went through because of Alana?"

"She's still in pain..."

"How do you mean? We conversed yesterday & she was fine."

"Physically. She is healing emotionally, as long as she's with you & feels your love."

"Physically? Is she hur-?"


"Any solution to Alana?"
I enquired...

"She's 8 months pregnant... but the baby's not- Nevermind."

"The baby is not what?"

"Wait & see. I see & know what the Godess wants me to know."
She chuckled, then her eyes went back to the normal crystal blue, I knew of...

"Thank you very much for your help Mel."

"No problem My King."
She bowed & with that I was off...

I found her sleeping... She's very beautiful, I wonder which fool would leave a woman like her & go to Alana. The thing that bothers me is why she would want to protect me? She's the one who's hurt, she should protect herself...

I growled & that woke her up...

"Morning ugly."
She said as she yawned & smiled warmly at me...

I couldn't help but smile back, no matter how angry I was... her smile always brings me back to my senses.

She got out of bed & went to the bathroom as I picked the clothes she'd wear after her personal grooming...

I went out the room to the balcony of our old room. For some reason, this room always gave me peace. Maybe it's because of her scent....

When I went back, she was done.

I picked her up bridal style & placed her carefully on the edge of the bed. Sat down, then picked her up & put her on my lap...

"Why did you lie to me? And I know what you're going to say... but I don't want to hear that, give me another reason."
She looked down at her hands...

"I-I... I'm sorry. I just couldn't tell you Lucas... You didn't do it by your own will, you were controlled & used. What was I supposed to say? Tell you that you called me names? That you used to beat me up? That you used to lock me up in the dungeons & torture me til I had no strength to do anything for a whole week? That you used to lock me out of the house with only a hoodie to cover myself from the rain? Is that what you wanted to hear?"
She started crying... It felt as if my heart was literally being ripped out of my chest...

"I'm sor-"

"That's what I didn't want to hear! I hate it when you say that! There's nothing you can do about it Lucas, it has happened... Just let it go please."
She was a sobbing mess, my sobbing mess...

I hugged her close to my chest as she cried, whispering sweet nothings into her ear...

"I'm sorry too."
She finally said after nearly 5 minutes of crying...

"For what Love? You did nothing wrong, you are the paine-"

"I allowed her into our life, I caused all this..."

"It was meant to happen. You & I are inseparable my love. I now know that."
She giggled...then hiccuped...

"I guess so..."
I wiped her tears with the palm of my hands...

"Melissa told me that you're hurt. Can I see?"
She nodded lifting up her hoodie...

And what I saw made me whimper, for her...


Vote pls😘 this is the boringiest(that's not a real word, I just wanted to put emphasis on how I hate this chappy🤣) Chappy everrrrrr!

Love to y'all...

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