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We got home & I stuffed my face with food... I was soooooooo hungry.

"You know, If you keep staring at me. I'm going to choke on this food."
I said to Luc...

"Was I really staring?"
He enquired sarcastically...

"If I slap you with this pizza... you're gonna be cheesy, all week."
I laughed & he looked surprised...

"You want to kill me!? Help! She has gone psycho!"
We both burst out laughing...


She's just perfect. How she laughs, how she talks, her voice. Everything about her is special & unique.

Every time I look at her & remember all that she went through, I can't help but feel like I let her down...

From now on I swear to keep that beautiful laugh on her face. I'll make sure she laughs & smiles often, she'll never get hurt... Ever again... And anyone that threatens her happiness, dies... (A/N: SORRY, BUT THIS MAKES ME REMEMBER NASTY C'S MRS ME LYRICS... THEY GO LIKE... I SAID I DIG YOU WHEN IT'S DEEP ENOUGH FOR YOU TO BURY ME, STILL... THEN IT'D BE DEEP ENOUGH FOR YOU TO MARRY ME, KILL... ANYBODY THAT TAKES AWAY YOUR HAPPINESS, SPILL, REAL, IF THAT IS ME THEN I AM HANGING ME.


"Mr Dude? You're staring again."
She said after laughing...

"Me? I'm just looking behind you love."

"Oh Rrrrrreally?"
She furrowed her brow...

"Leave me alone."
I pouted like a child...

"Awwwwww... Soooooo cute."
She leaned towards me & played with my cheeks...

"Ayyyyyyy... I'm not a puppy. Sheesh!"

Then suddenly we heard a click...

"You guys are so cute together."

Lilliana looked surprised as she stood up from her seat...

"In the flesh!"
Alana said sounding cheerful...

"Aren't you supposed to be resting? Where's my little girl?" Lilliana asked, looking more cheerful than I've ever seen her...

"She's fine. She's with her grandma."
Alana said, referring to her mother as grandma...

"Ain't she gonna stay here?"
Lilliana asked & Alana shook her head...

"She can't."

"Why Alana? She's Lucas' daughter too & you're his wife."
Lilliana looked worried...

"No I'm not & he's not her father."

"What do you mean?"
I asked, confused...

"After I got married..." she motioned for us to follow her towards the living room.
"I prefer, we sit."
She sighed...

"What's up Alana?"
Lilliana asked, looking worried... After we had sat down...

"Like I said, After I got married to Lucas. I met my mate & we kinda mated. Resulting in me being pregnant, but out of my heartlessness I wanted you to suffer for taking Lucas' heart & turning him against me."
She sighed & held Lilliana's hands...
"When I left on that trip for a week. I was giving you two, time to get your bond back, because I had realised that the mate bond was stronger than any other bond. I realised that, After meeting my mate. I'm really sorry guys."
She looked between us...

"What the FUCK Alana!? You turned me against my mate. You made me hurt her! Get out." Lilliana glared at me...

"Get the FUCK out!"
I shouted at Alana, but Lilliana stoop up from the sofa... shaking her head...

"She's apologising Luc. She was in love with you Luc, who knows... maybe I would've done the same if I were in her shoes."
She looked at Alana, with their hands still intertwined... both now standing.

"Please. I'm sorry."
Alana cried... within a second, she was pinned to the wall as my wolf took over. He snarled in her face...

"No one hurts my mate! No one Alana."

"Luc No... Please love..."
Lilliana walked towards me...

"It's not Lucas anymore. I took over."

"Please stop Mortimer... I know she caused me pain, but I know you're not a savage. You'll never hurt a mother nor anyone purposefully..."
She hugged him from behind & he let me take over...

"Don't come here anymore, That's a warning... next time you're dead."
I said, pecked Lilliana's forehead & left...

"It's okay Alana. Really, it is. Stop crying darling."
Lilliana sat down & hugged her...
"I've forgiven you. But with Lucas it'll take time, because you hurt him the most by turning him against me."

I heard her say as I walked around the corner, heading to our old room...

She's just too kind. It gets too much sometimes but I love her for that...

If it wasn't for her... Mortimer would've killed Alana.


After Alana had left I went upstairs to Luc & I's room...

I called out as I looked around the room...


"We need to talk."
I raised my voice, so that he could hear me clearly...

Even now... I can't get used to the werewolf super hearing what what... *brain laugh*

He got out, with only his grey joggers on...

"Yes Love?"
He looked tense...

"I know it's hard for you to accept her apology & the fact that she lied about the baby being yours, is plain shi-"
He narrowed his eyes at me... "Poopy... plain poopy."
I corrected & he nodded for me to continue...

"I know it's quite hard, considering that you thought you were going to have your first child & turns out it's no-"
In an instant he was in front of me...

"It's not about the baby nor Alana. By forgiving Alana it means that I've forgiven myself for the pain that I caused you Love. I-I just can't love. Everyday I remember that I hurt you, I made you suffer. It jus-just kills me inside."
He confessed... with pain in his eyes as he walked away from me.

I stood up from the bed & walked towards him...

He stopped & turned to look at me...
"I'm here with you aren't I? If I had blamed you for everything that happened then I wouldn't be here. You're not at fault love. You weren't in your right senses, you were charmed honey, it was never your fault & it never will be. I know you love me too much, for you to even try to hit me. No matter what happened love. Please, let's leave it behind."
I sighed & stood on my tippy toes, then kissed him...

After a while, I pulled out & looked him in the eyes...

"You're my Prince Charming & I'm your Princess. Now stop being gloomy & take care of your Princess or else... some other Prince Charming will take her way."
I pecked his lips as a low growl emitted from his throat...

Picking me up... he deepened the kiss & laid me on the bed.

We alllll know what happens next😉🤣


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