Sneaking Around III

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Stress Relief 

Word Count:  2.9k

You hadn't been with Harry all day long. The last time you two spent any time together was last night when he came into the guest room where you were sleeping once your friend left out and went to bed. Your brief, but very much appreciated time together was spent talking through whispers, cuddling, sharing little kisses in the middle of your hushed conversation, and even some cockwarming in the process. The two of you were so happy to be with each other, even if it was for a short amount of time, and neither of you could wait until the little getaway Harry was planning for the both of you so that the two of you could finally be a little normal and go out.

But unfortunately, all of that savoured time together came to an end once you fell asleep. See the thing with sneaking around was the fact that you aren't supposed to get caught. And knowing Harry, if he didn't force himself off of, you he'd get you both caught. He wouldn't be able to bring himself to leave you once the time came a couple hours later. So by not keeping his cock inside of you and his arms tightly wrapped around your body as he peacefully and comfortably slept behind you, but instead getting up and walking down the hall back to his room where he slept all alone despite his girlfriend being right down the hall, your relationship was able to continue on another day and fly below his daughter's radar.

But yeah, that was the only time you'd been that close to Harry all day long. When you woke up, you knew that he wouldn't be next to you and that he'd be in his bed down the hall from you. Even though you knew why he did it and that he was just a shot distance away, you still missed him. As the day went on and you went about the day with Christine your mind was constantly on Harry. You just wanted to find him and be together, even if he was going work. Anything would suffice. Since Harry was working out of his home office, you'd see him a couple times throughout day and you two would be able to sneak a couple kisses or hug in here and there. 

You loved it when he'd quickly snatch you away to give you a tight hug while calling you his baby and telling you that he loved you so much. And when you guys were able to steal a couple kisses, you and Harry made sure to make the most of them. As you two sneakily and momentarily made out with each other, Harry would pull you as close to him as humanly possible and just smear his lips onto yours. Your mouth would be wide open to receive his tongue as the two of you quickly moved your mouths against each others. And as you two sloppily kissed each other, Harry's hands were everywhere. They'd start their journey from the top down, starting at your face. Once you were directly in front of him he'd cup your cheeks and pull you closer to him before smearing his lips onto yours. He'd then make his way down to your throat where he'd choke you a bit so that you'd be forced to open your mouth which would in turn allow him to kiss you deeper. From there his large hands would migrate a bit lower to your chest where he'd fondle your clothed breasts a bit before lowering them down to your waist and to your backside where he squeezed your supple flesh as he soaked in the last couple of seconds you two had left together. 

The little bursts of intimacy between you two only lasted for a minuet or less, sometimes five if you said that you were going to the bathroom, but they were definitely enough to get you both through the day.

Now while you were able to make it through the entire day without losing your mind, you were still in need of more. All you wanted was for Harry to fuck you so good that you were sore and filled to the brim with cum and then afterwards cuddle in bed with him while he called you his baby, princess, sweet girl, and everything else under the sun. That's it; that's literally all you wanted. And you were going to make Harry want it so that you could get it.

Once the day turned into night, you and Christine had decided to do a couple of the at home spa treatments you two had been wanting to try while watching some movies on Netflix. After a couple hours of pampering yourselves and relaxing, the both of you figured that it was time to get some sleep since you guys had plans that required a bit of an early start. After helping Christine clean everything up and put it all away, you head out of her room. You were supposed to go next door and into the guest room, but instead you make your way down to the end of the hallway to Harry's room. His door was a little cracked so you just push it open to step into his room. It's only until you softly close the door behind you that he lifts his head from his pile of work to acknowledge your presence.

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