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Word Count: 769

Harry gets home from a long day at the studio. You can see how tired he is by the way his eyes are dull and his shoulders slump forward, his voice is too worn out to even engage in a conversation. He's quiet the whole time during dinner, his head lulling to the side ever so often to only jerk awake again.

"I'm gonna go change." He mumbles as he walks past you, giving you a gentle kiss on the nose.

You plant a soft kiss on his neck in agreement and move towards the kitchen to wash up the plates from dinner. As you set the dishes inside the washer, you hear Harry's voice calling for you from your bedroom.

You enter the room, spotting Harry on the bed. He has stripped down to his boxers and he's laying flat on his back, his fingers tracing patterns in the soft fabric of the sheets.

Harry looks up at you and smiles, a glint of mischief twinkling in his eyes.

"It's been a hell of a long day." He speaks up, biting into his lip suggestively as his eyes flick down towards his boxers and then back at you, his eyebrows cocking upwards.

You nod, already aware of what he wants.

He knows that you understand and one of his hands slide down flat against his chest, down his abdomen, and his hand ghosts over his growing bulge.

His eyes lock you in place as he begins to palm himself, his head tilting back as his teeth dig deeper into his bottom lip.

A needy groan emits from his throat, and his head rolls to the side, his eyes half-lidded as watches you shift around uncomfortably. Heat is pulsing through your body, radiating from your core, and you are starting to become a bit desperate to find a way to tame it.

"Mmmmm..." He hums, releasing a breathy groan, his hand rubbing down harder. He squeezes himself, and his hips buck into his hand. "Come help me, baby. Show me how you can be a good girl."

His thumbs hook onto the sides of his briefs and he slowly slides off his last piece of clothing, sighing in relief as his already hard erection is released from its restraints.

The gnawing in your stomach is becoming unbearable and you immediately make your way over to him.

He smiles seductively as he watches you crawl onto the queen-sized bed, reaching towards you and yanking you closer, making you straddle him.

Harry unbuttons your jeans, his eyes growing dark with lust, and he roughly pulls you forward so your chests are pressed together.

He gruffly pushes your jeans off of your legs, leaving you in your white panties, which are basically see-through now considering how wet you've become.

Harry gropes hand-fulls of your ass, digging his nails in as he begins to grind against you.

"Fuck... so good." He drags out the moan, and you jump slightly as you hear a tearing sound fill the air.

Harry pulls off your underwear in two pieces, and you realize he ripped them right down the middle.

Before you can speak, he presses himself against your clit, arching up to rub against you harder. He grips your hips, grinding you back and forth against his throbbing dick and his fingers find their way to your clit.

He rubs furious circles as he keeps rutting up against you, and you suddenly feel a hard slap against your right bum cheek.

You whine as pleasure and pain intermingle, making you squirm around. His breath tickles your ear.

"Your such a naughty girl. You love it when I'm rough like this, don't you? My naughty, naughty little whore."

You nod, desperately humping faster to find your release.

"Stop." His voice rings clear and stern in your mind, but you don't obey.

"I said stop." Harry orders again, but you shake your head, gripping onto his hair as you feel bliss dipping into your blood.

"Y/N, STOP! I'm gonna—" before he can finish his sentence, you feel his release coat your heat, and he moans out a string of curses.

He shoves you off of him, anger flaring up in his dilated eyes.

"I told you to fucking stop. You know I don't like to cum unless I'm inside you. Why did you disobey me?" He grits out, grabbing you by your arms and slamming you into the headboard.

You whimper as pain prickles down your spine, but he shows no mercy as to having hurt you.

Harry reaches over to the nightstand and opens the top drawer, pulling out a set of metal handcuffs.

Your eyes widen and you try to apologize, but he cuts you off with a low chuckle.

"You're definitely going to be sorry."


A filler one shot. x

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