The Virgo Voyages

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Prologue - The Portal 

There was no stopping the look of awe that took over Sebastian “Skippy” Smith. Never in all his years of sailing had he seen such a magnificent sight. There, repeatedly hidden by the monumental waves, swirled a vortex of water that twisted into the endless abyss of the Atlantic Sea. Skippy has seen his fill of whirlpools, several which have taken ships and the lives of men. But this, this was different, a freak of nature though Skippy suspected this wasn’t nature’s implement. No, this spiral of glowing water was not caused by the storm The Dubloon fought. It was something else, something beyond human science or philosophy. And Skippy was determined to discover it. He did, after all, have the intuition of a great sailor. 

“Jimmy!” Skippy called over the sounds of the raging storm. “Tie the cargo down! We’re going in!” 

“In? Skippy, have you lost it!? Half of the crew members have jumped off already and swam for there lives! Why, I just saw Benji pulled into that whirlpool!”

“Good! He’ll meet us on the other side. Now do as your ordered and tie down the cargo, dammit! Or I’ll throw you overboard myself!”

Jimmy could do nothing but comply and gather the stolen artifacts into the bunk rooms. Meanwhile, Skippy fought the winds that battered at the main deck and entered main control. The changed the ships course towards the mad whirl of glowing water and throttled the engines. 

Thoughts of riches filled his head as the tip of The Dubloon hit the first ring of rushing water. The current pulled the ship into it and turned it sideways, tipping it so that rushes of waves flooded the main deck till the ship righted itself and was pulled deeper inside. 

Skippy felt the thrill of adventure rush through his veins when he saw the edge of water rise above the highest point of the ship as they were pulled to the center the eddy. The Dubloon’s mast broke off as did the rudder and Skippy could feel the ship tip sidewards, and watched as the water quickly rose up to meet him…


There was nothing but sand for miles, Skippy could see. His ship was gone and it’s captain hadn’t gone down with it. He couldn’t, not when a new world awaited him. And so, he stood up, brushed the sand off his shoulders, and walked along the shore line with dignity, for he knew the art of sailing, and that was all he needed in this new world. 


Umm... yeah. That's the prologue. This right here is just some idea that came to me recently (though I forgot how. I think it was pirates of the caribbean related) and so I wrote it down as fast as I could. I haven't written in FOREVER. Opinions? Yes, that would be great. 

Ta-Ta for now! 


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