Chapter 3 - Izabelle

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Chapter Three - Izabelle  

It had only been a few minutes since I decided that I could call Frank and Garret a friend when they suggested changing into more comfortable clothes. They questioned where I got the clothes and looked extremely confused when I said Key West. They just shrugged and didn’t question it. I was given a set of clothes to change into behind a screen. They were odd clothes, nothing I’ve ever worn before. It was a white blouse that exposed my shoulders and bunched up at the wrists, as it seemed to be a fashion with these people. On top of it was a black vest that hung low in the front, swooping down under my bosom and hugged my sides, tightened with string. Then some black trousers and heavy sea boots to complete the outfit. I braided my long blond hair after bringing a comb through it and looked at myself in the mirror. I felt like a pirate of all things. 

The door opened just as I finished dressing and a shadow fell upon us. 

I took in the unfamiliar face. It was kind with wrinkles around the edge of his mouth. He looked to be in his 30s, possible 40s but still well in shape. His brown hair was slightly curled at the tips with only a few strands of gray to make it glisten. Kind hazel eyes looked down at me with curiosity and interest. He wore a captain’s hat and around his neck hung a gold chain with a copper coin at the end. There were strange markings on the coin but I wasn’t close enough to get a good look at it. 

Frank and Garret immediately straightened and stood at attention. I quickly figured out that this must be the captain. Behind him stood Ace, quiet and watchful. 

“Well, what have we got here?”

“Pulled her out of the water right after we burned down The Elder, sir,” Ace replied.

“Really? A mermaid perhaps?” 

The captain stepped forward and put a gentle finger under my chin so that my gaze met his. 

“She’s got the eyes for it. Never seen green eyes before. And long blond hair. I hear ‘em mermaids love ‘em long.”

“No, captain. She didn’t have a tail when we pulled her out.”

I was feeling a bit uncomfortable about he topic and spoke before I could think it through. 

“Hi, yeah, sorry. But umm, what are you talking about?” The captain looked at me in surprise and instead of lashing out like I half expected him, he only smiled. 

“Why you of course, ma’am! Ain’t everyday we pull a girl out of the water while sailing in the middle of the Genesic Sea. Eh! Excuse my behavior! My name is Captain Sebastian Smith but if you call me Sebastian you will be thrown off this ship. Call me Skippy.”

“Your name is Skippy and your the skipper of this ship?” He laughed and nodded. 

“You’re sailin’ on the Virgo. Ain’t no other ship out there as magnificent as she is.”

I couldn’t help but smile at the captain. He was a kind man full of good humor, much like my dad was, I couldn’t help but notice. The thought made me a little sad and Skippy seemed to notice. 

“Eh what’s the matter? Sea sick?”

“Oh, no, sir. Just miss home a little, that’s all. Um, do you mind telling me where we are?”

“I thought I already mentioned it? The Genesic Sea right off the coast of Keltipica. We’re headin’ towards Kemonton Port where you, little lady, will be dropped off. Say, what’s your name? Don’t think I caught it.”

“Ivy Greene. Nice to meet you, Skippy. And I don’t think I’ve ever heard of those places. What continent is that on?”

“Continent? What’s that?”

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