Chapter 1 - A New World

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Chapter One - A New World 

I breathed in the salty air that gently grazed my cheeks as the sound of the motor filled my ears and propelled up forward. I couldn’t help the smile that crossed my face at the beauty of the ocean.

“So what do you think, Ivy?” My dad called from behind the wheel. “Think it’s a good day for fishing?” 

“Definitely! There’s not a cloud in the sky today! And I think they said Grouper season opened up just last week! Think we’ll catch any today?”

“Oh, I don’t doubt it. There hasn’t been a fish we can’t catch!” 

And it was true. We moved down here at Key West just so we can fish. We originally lived more inland, but after my mom passed away, we decided that we should move right next to sea. Mom always had a passion for it and we feel closer to her every time we even smell salt. So Key West it was and after only 11 months here, we already won 15 fishing competitions all along the Florida coast. 

There was no competition for the next few weeks but relatives were coming over tomorrow and Dad and I decided that a nice Grouper grill would suffice, just to give them a taste of Southern culture. Up in Montana, there never eat too much fish. 

After we drove a few miles off the coast, I set up our deep sea fishing tackle and set out three lines once I baited them. It took only a few minutes till one of the lines jerked. And then another. As did the last pole. Dad stopped the boat and let it drift as he picked up one of the poles. He was quickly able to reel it in faster then me and proceeded to the next one while I worked on my own. 

I ground the handle into my hip and pulled at the line, but it wouldn’t budge. Finally, after at least 5 minutes of yanked, something popped and I reeled in my line without a problem. I frowned at the thought of a broken line, by my disappointment quickly changed into curiosity when I saw something at the end of the line. I called Dad over my took up the net to fish it out. 

“What the- It’s chunk of metal.” 

“Metal? How did I hook that?” 

“I’m don’t know, but look. There’s name on it.” 

I peered over his shoulder and the saw name Dubloon engraved and painted a faded red into it. 

“Well this is definitely one of the weirdest catches I’ve ever seen,” my dad stated before putting it inside the cabin and a memoir. 

The rest of the morning went by without incident. We ate inside, out of the sun and waited till around 2 till we went back to fishing. After we hit our weight limit, we fished for the fun of it and threw back anything we caught. 

I caught Dad looking out at the horizon with a small frown and just them noticed the amount of clouds in the sky. 

“Think it’s going to rain? I didn’t see any warnings of it on the news this morning.”

“I don’t know, Ivy. Maybe we should head back.” 

I looked up at the sky and saw no indication of it letting its water go. 

“Can’t we stay just for another hour. Then we can head back,” I begged him. 

He frowned again and furrowed his eye brows before looking at me and nodding with uncertainty. 

I grinned and got back to fishing. Later on, Dad and I were poking fun at each other when I felt a splash of water fall on my cheek. I froze and looked up at the sky, seeing hundreds of them follow down after the first. 

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