Chapter 4 - The Virgo

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Chapter Four - The Virgo 

“This is our main deck. Most action goes on right here. That level over yonder is the quarterdeck. That’s were the sleeping quarters are as well as washrooms. The level above that is called the sterncastle deck. That’s the where the captain stays and does his navigating. And the highest deck at the stern is the poop deck. The captain and first mate usually stand there and watch the deck below to keep everything running smoothly.”

She opened a hatch that laid in the center of the main deck and walked down to what I learned was called the orlop deck. She showed me where the infirmary was and we stopped by for a quick visit with Garret and Frank. 

I couldn’t help but notice how flustered Frank seemed to get when Vera was in the room.Vera managed to keep her cool, but she would continuously glance in his direction and advert her eyes to the wall whenever he would almost catch her staring. Garret seemed used to it. He tried multiple times to get them into a conversation yet each time, they would somehow turn to someone else. 

We said our good byes and headed down to the bottom deck where cargo and supplies were held. I briefly heard Vera mention something about the brig, but she wouldn’t show it to me. 

“Right now, we’re holding someone in there. I don’t think Captain would be too happy if I showed you. Come on. You can help me cook for the crew. It’s almost noon.” 

We went to the cargo room and got crates full of salted meats and dried fruits, heading back up to the orlop deck into the kitchen. It wasn’t a five star meal with what little seasons and spices we had, more like a peasants meal, but I quickly discovered that most things here are not for comfort but for survival. 

We just finished the gruel when men started piling into the cafeteria, lining up for their turn for a bowl. Angry fights would break out over a spot in line, or a piece of stale bread, but no one seemed to care and it would settle down once everyone had taken a seat. 

“See him over there? That’s Jenji. He’s one of the biggest guys on this ship. People say that he was some king’s general before he went rogue and killed him. On the run for months before Skippy took him in and gave him a spot on the ship. He and the first mate, Ace, are inseparable. Some say he’s only close to him so he can kill Skippy. You know, mutiny. But no one ever knows. He’s a quiet one too. Never speaks much. There’s definitely some mystery surrounding him.”

“Trust me, I know well enough about him,” I muttered under my breath. I didn’t mean for Vera to hear me but she caught it none the less. 

“Really? When did you meet him?”

“Oh uh. I saw him and Ace talking yesterday,” I lied, feeling too cowardly to tell her how weak I was when they were grabbing at me yesterday. 

The more I saw of the ship and the people in it, the more I realized how much of an ‘eat or be eaten’ environment this is. Many of the men would narrow their eyes at me, but upon seeing Vera, they would make no move to confront me. I was a defenseless dodo bird in a jungle of sailors ready to eat me. Yes, I was that pathetic. 

Vera shrugged at my vague answer and put another spoonful in her mouth without even a grimace. I wasn’t sure if I ever was going to adjust to the disgusting taste of gruel. 

“But I don’t believe it,” Vera continued. “If anything, I think Jenji is just one of those gentle giants who had to put out a cold wall to survive in this world. I think, if given the choice, he wouldn’t harm a fly.”

I looked at her like she was crazy and glanced in Jenji’s direction. 

“We’re talking about the same Jenji right? I’ve been here one day and I can already tell you how massive that guy is! He could kill with just a glare.”

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2013 ⏰

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