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Something pulled Harry from his sleep that night. A low muffled sound, barely audible in the silence of the night but enough to wake him up. At first, he thought it was coming from outside, yet the air was still and the sea was too far ahead to be heard.

That's when the bedsheets shuffled beside him, and he turned his head to barely make out Draco in the other bed, still asleep but stirring.

Harry waited for another sign of movement, something to indicate if Draco was the cause of the noise that had yanked him away from a rather peaceful sleep. Only when Draco's body twisted slightly, and his breathing deepened, Harry began to notice the words falling from his sleepy lips

"no... please... "

He watched in the silence of the night, only a slither of moonlight crept through the blinds adding a hint of visibility to the otherwise blackened room

"mmm... hurts..."

Draco was stirring more, the pained words escaping under his breath. Harry could just make out Draco's distressed expression, despite still being lost in the depths of sleep

Choosing to ignore it, Harry rolled onto his back, assuming Draco would also drift back to sleep soon. Ten minutes passed by with very little movement or noise and Harry's eyelids were just beginning to droop when Draco shot bolt upright in bed and panicked cries filled the room

"Malfoy?? What's wrong?"

Draco was gasping for air, barely holding himself together. He brought his knees to his chest and sat back against the headboard, hyperventilating from the shock

Harry flicked on the side lamp "Are you okay?"

Draco didn't respond. Still coming down from the sheer panic of the horrid dream he was thrown from. His breathing slowed a little but his hands were still shaking as he pulled the covers up to his chest. "I-I'm fine..."

"No, you're not. Did you have a nightmare?"

"No" Draco snapped. Harry didn't believe him.

"What do you even have nightmare's about?" Harry laughed "Daddy buying you the wrong shoes?"

"Oh fuck you" Draco spat, dropping his head down, unable to look at Harry "You're not the only one that's been through shit you know" his cheeks grew pink as he spoke, embarrassed that Harry was seeing him in that state

Harry's teasing stopped as soon as he noticed the faint scars across Draco's arms. He didn't ask. He didn't want to push him. "I'm sorry, that was mean"

Draco said nothing. He sat quietly curled up, focused on controlling his breathing and grounding himself back into the room, trying his hardest to pretend Harry wasn't there. A part of him wanted to slap Harry for his cruel comment and levitate him out the bloody window but it also helped having someone there in the room with him, it made everything feel safer, not that he'd tell Harry that

"Can I do anything?" Harry breathed, painfully awkward knowing he'd made things worse between them. His face grew hot as he racked his brain for a solution


"Do you wanna talk about it?"

"Absolutely not"

"Want me to sit with you for a bit?"

"I want you, to leave me alone" Draco growled, curled away from him wishing for the nightmare to drag him back in because, at this point, it was more appealing than their current conversation

"Would you... like some water?"


Harry knew he could magic water with his wand right beside him, but thought it best to give Draco some space, just for a moment. "Well, I want to get myself a drink from the kitchen, I'll get you something too" he climbed out of bed and carefully made for the door in the silence of the night

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