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Another day began the same as all the rest. Sunlight peeped through the cracks in the blinds lighting up the room in a hazy glow. The gentle hum of pots and pans in use from the kitchen below. The melodic chirps of little birds by the window outside, flitting through the trees in the back garden.

The only difference this morning was when Harry stirred from his sleep and opened his eyes, he saw that Draco's bed was not empty for once

Draco was sleeping peacefully, laying on top of the bedsheets in the tightest black boxers Harry had ever seen, they hugged his body gorgeously, accentuating his long slender legs and backside, definitely not leaving much up the imagination at the front

He thought he'd forgotten how to breathe. Draco was on his side, one arm resting under his pillow, the other bent out casually in front of him, exposing his tapestry of tattoos. He could've looked rather sweet with his cheek smushed against the pillow and his hair strewn out of place but somehow he still looked sexy as hell

He couldn't help letting his gaze drift back down to the generous bulge in Draco's boxers, which in return drained all the heat straight to Harry's cock. Fortunately, Harry was under the sheets

Oh fuck... oh my god...

Simply taking a glance at Draco's body made Harry ache with hardness. He felt the swelling in his pants, his cock poked out of the top of his underwear and Harry bit his lip, mouthing moans of sudden arousal to himself

Why now of all times? He's literally three feet away from me

It didn't help that the vivid memory of Draco kissing him still lay fresh in his mind from the night before. The way Draco pressed his body against his own, Harry remembered the feeling of Draco's hardness digging into his groin as their hands explored and lips devoured

Sure, Harry had been with plenty of men in the last few years but he knew there was more passion in those ten seconds of kissing with Draco than any one night stand he'd had

Not that he would ever openly admit that

He couldn't stop himself from sliding his hand down, even just a passing stroke over the fabric of his pants was enough to make him press his lips and scrunch his eyes shut with pleasure

Not now, Harry. He's right there.... but... it feels so good.... and he looks so good... but, no

He pulled his hand away and took a slow breath, begging his erection to disappear

A moment of silence settled over him, allowing his racing heart to return to normal as he rolled back over onto his side and vowed to close his eyes for another thirty minutes of sleep. Of course, at the same moment Harry looked across at Draco sleeping peacefully, Draco woke up

"Are you watching me sleep?" Draco asked, one eye open, creasing his face at the unwanted intrusion of daylight

"No. I just happened to look over when you woke"

"Sure" Draco teased "I believe you"

Harry felt transparent, his cock was pressed against his boxers begging to be touched and Draco had no idea, Draco was just smirking at him as he stretched his arms above his head, still in the process of waking up.

Is Draco even aware of how exposed he is right now? Is he doing this on purpose?

Harry cleared his throat to catch Draco's attention and raised his brow, gesturing across at his near-naked body and Draco looked at him perplexed for a moment before looking down at himself and realising

"Oh shit! Sorry!" Draco laughed awkwardly, scrambling the covers back over his body "It got so hot in the night I just couldn't sleep under there"

"It's fine"

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