The Final Day

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I'm dreaming, right? I feel like I've woken up, everything around me looks normal, feels normal, sounds normal, except... Draco Malfoy is sleeping peacefully... in my arms.

I need to pinch myself. But if I pinch myself I'll move and if I move I'll surely wake him up and I don't want to wake him up because he looks so sweet and fragile right now and his skin against my skin is like silk and his shallow breaths on my chest remind me that he's actually real and actually right here in my actual arms. It's too perfect to be true.

Just breathe, Harry. Relax. Enjoy this moment. You're happy, aren't you?

I'm so happy

Draco stirred slightly and Harry held his breath, hoping he wasn't the reason for his sudden rise from the depths of sleep. His eyes gently opened, unsure at first about where he was

"Good Morning" Harry leaned in, planting a soft kiss on Draco's forehead, who shifted awake, "Sleep well?"

Draco's eyes opened slightly, "Mmmm very well" he smiled, sliding his hands across Harry's chest, caressing his torso and feeling up his arm, smiling to himself at the treasure that lay in front of him

Draco peeped up at him, gradually pushing onto his side to get a better view of Harry in the morning sun rays. Harry slid down a little further until they were face to face on the same pillow, their noses almost touching. His hand was stroking Draco's body gently as they laid together under the sheets, naked

"You're still here?" Draco spoke softly, he hadn't woken up enough to use his full voice yet

"Why wouldn't I be?"

He smirked at Harry, reminding him of how all their previous intimate moments had ended and Harry grimaced awkwardly recalling how he was always responsible for pushing Draco away. Not this time.

"Point taken. I know it's a little cramped under here but it's cosy and we can snuggle still, I've wasted the whole week by myself when we could've woken up together every day"

"You know we could've figured this out on the first day if you'd just opened up about what happened in London when I asked..." Draco joked

"I know," Harry sighed in frustration "I've wasted this whole bloody week chasing someone else when you were here the whole time with your perfect face and perfect body and perfect kisses and perfect coc-"

"Alright, I get it!" Draco laughed, pouncing on his lips in another sweet kiss

"You know... this doesn't have to be the last day together" Harry raised his brow enticingly "You could come back to my place for a few days... carry on what we started...."

"Oh Harry..." Draco's heart sank, not wanting to deliver the bad news "The thing is... well... I have to be on a plane to Rome this afternoon"

"What?" Harry pushed himself up against the headboard whilst Draco sat in front of him, stroking his hand "For how long?"

"Three months... maybe four"

Harry's heart twisted. He'd finally found true happiness just as it was being ripped away from him again.

"I'm so sorry" Draco hushed, Harry's sadness broke his heart. Silence sat between them for a while as Harry continued caressing Draco's arm, holding him close. Draco wanted to speak but words were failing him, the idea of losing Harry ripped him apart inside

"Harry, listen," he began, hiding the pain behind a solemn smile "You live in London, that's your home and... and... I'm in a new city every month." he collected himself, stroking the pad of his thumb over Harry's cheek. "I can't ask you to wait for me, you shouldn't have to be alone hoping that one day your one-night-stand might come home-"

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