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Hey lovely readers!

I really hope you're enjoying the story so far! I enjoyed writing this chapter because harry + draco being fluffy and stupid melts my heart <3

please leave me kind comments + votes because they absolutely make my day + encourage me to keep going! + thank you x1000 to everyone that's read so far!

Eliza ❤️


"Good morning, Sunshine!" Pansy beamed, spooning eggs onto her plate. She was sat at the kitchen island beside Blaise, Draco, Hermione and Ron, all of whom were tucking into breakfast

The summer sun, as usual, was beaming through the large windows and patio doors, the sound of seagulls already calling out nearby. The kitchen island was buried under plates of breakfast, jugs of juice, coffee pots, jars of jams and sauces, a huge platter of eggs, bacon and mushrooms next to a selection of cereals and fruits

"Mm." Harry groaned, his eyes still half shut. The room was spinning and a sickening wave of nausea floated to his throat every time he moved too fast, the mixture of all the different smells didn't help either

"Feeling good today?" Ron joked

"Don't... just... don't" Harry muttered, slumping down onto the stool and burying his head in his arms on the counter top

Draco looked across at him with a faint smile, Harry's drunken mumbling still very fresh in his mind

'I love your body. I want to touch your body. I should've kissed you'

Mental note: start walking around shirtless in front of Harry more often

His chest had been fluttering all night. From the moment they arrived, that was the first time Harry had admitted to any form of attraction towards Draco since their secret encounter months ago. He couldn't help feeling a little proud, yet his heart sunk every time he remembered Matthew. Harry had clearly been avoiding any romantic talk with Draco for a reason, perhaps he was simply trying to move past whatever moment they had before, the rejection stung

Draco returned to his food, swirling his spoon around the bowl becoming increasingly less hungry. Pansy, instinctively noticed his flattened mood and subtly mouthed to him from across the table "Are you ok?"

He nodded with a vague smile and forced himself to perk up, though still too tried to add anything to the conversation

Ron turned to Harry, patting him on the shoulder "You were wasted last night mate!"

"Ughh... I feel like my entire body is made of alcohol"

"It probably is" Hermione added "Harry you were a complete mess"

"How come none of you are hungover?" Harry bit, still mumbling into his arms

"Because we've had some of this" Blaise said, sliding a tiny vial of sparkling golden liquid in front of Harry

"Please tell me that's not another shot... I think I might be sick-"

"Sadly, no" Pansy explained "It's a detox elixir, it'll remove all the alcohol from your system and provide you with rehydration and vitamins, just make sure you-"

Harry grabbed it instantly and gulped the whole thing back in one, cutting her off

"-sip it slowly..."

They watched for a moment, between pouring more teas and eating more food, as Harry gradually began to shift from a shade of nauseating green back to his usual caramel complexion. His eyes lit up and a smile grew across his lips

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