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I'm sorry this chapter is quite long! I couldn't edit it down any more than I already have, I hope it's worth the read! x


They couldn't have chosen a better morning to wake up on the beach

The sun was rising gorgeously on the far horizon, peeping over the endless waves of the gentle sea which rippled out ahead as the sky turned from coral to peach to lilac and eventually pure blue.

Draco was the first to rise, stirring against the arm that he'd fallen asleep on. He blinked himself awake, realising that it wasn't a dream and that he was in fact, asleep on the beach, with Harry laying across from him

He perched himself up on both elbows and looked down ahead, seeing the waves breaking peacefully against the shore in the distance, much further out than when they'd walked into the sea the night before

"Harry?" he whispered, looking over his shoulder up to the beach house in the distance. The sun was barely over the horizon, and though he'd left his watch back in the bedroom, he assumed with it being mid-August that it could only have around 6am

"Harry? Wake up"

Harry rolled slightly and peeped an eye open "Mm?"

"Wake up, Scarhead"

"Mm... so early... tired..." Harry mumbled, rolling onto his front and burying his head in his arms until suddenly his head shot back up and he looked down at the ground underneath him "Wait... this isn't my mattress?" he pushed up to sit on his heels and squinted at the sudden sunlight in his vision "Did we fall asleep out here?"

"It's not a bad way to wake up though" Draco said, nodding across at the sunrise illuminating the shallow sky

"Oh god it's so bright" groaned Harry, scrunching his eyes at the intrusion of sunlight blinding him both from the sky and the water's reflection. He glanced across to Draco, awestruck by how perfect he looked, lit up by the morning sun radiating off his features. Harry had never seen his side profile in the warm hues of the sunrise before and it was mesmerising

Draco sensed that Harry was looking at him from his peripheral and turned, brow raised "What?"


"Don't look at me like that"

"Like what?"

"With pity in your eyes. It's nauseating"

Harry gaped at him and scoffed with a reluctant smile, shaking his head "I'm not looking at you with pity, I just... wanted to make sure you were, you know..."

"Not going to jump off that cliff over there? Thanks for the concern but I haven't reached suicidal just yet"

"Draco..." Harry frowned at his lack of tact "I wanted to make sure you're alright"

"Yes, I'm fine" Draco answered, squinting out at the gently rolling waves ahead, as though they were far more interesting than their current conversation

"Because last night-"

"Is never to be spoken of again, understand?" he stated, turning to Harry on his final word, his face sharp as he tried to hold onto the last of his damaged pride


"No, Harry. I talked, I cried, I let it all out because you asked me to. Am I glad that I finally let myself feel something? Of course. Am I also mortified that I allowed you to see that side of me? Tremendously. It's done, it happened. I don't want to speak of this anymore and you will not tell the others what happened here last night, understand?"

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