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The squawk of a persistent seagull just outside woke Harry that morning. Light flooded into his eyes through the crack in the blinds as he rolled onto his back and stretched out.

Twisting onto his other side, he noticed Draco's bed was already made, from the creaseless sheets down to the meticulously placed pillows, Harry considered he must be a fairly deep sleeper to miss the noise of Draco moving around

Looking across at the empty bed, a hint of disappointment came over him. He quite liked Draco being the first person he spoke to every morning. As much as he loved his friends, Ron was usually grumpy first thing in the morning and Hermione often talked too much. Draco would tell funny anecdotes and silly jokes, they would laugh about the most ridiculous things and discuss the random thoughts that entertained their minds first thing in the morning before sanity sunk in

Harry pulled on a t-shirt and shorts, already feeling the humidity radiating through the room, swiped a handful of sweets from the counter and made his way downstairs

The house was too quiet when he arrived in the kitchen, only the sound of the pots and pans washing themselves in the sink and a gentle hum of conversation coming in the direction of the patio doors.

Ron and Hermione were sitting outside at the garden table, looking out at the sea view as they ate their breakfast

"Morning mate" Ron called, with a mouthful of toast as Harry appeared in the doorway

He shielded himself from the sudden intensity of sunlight and pull out a chair

"Where is everyone this morning? The house is silent"

"Pansy and Draco went for a walk down on the beach, Blaise has gone for a shower, he was down here earlier having coffee with us" Hermione explained

"How's life with your new roommate then, Harry?" Ron asked, almost teasingly "It's been four days now and neither of you has thrown a punch yet!"

Harry huffed a smile and reached over to the plate of freshly cooked pastries. He wanted to burst into chatter about how bizarre it was that the two of them were getting along so well. How they laughed all the time and teased endlessly, feeling like he'd been close to Draco his whole life, but he bit his tongue, holding back "It's going... alright"

Harry was acting coy, trying desperately to push down his growing smile. He couldn't imagine the vacation without Draco now, he was enjoying his company so much

"Alright?" Ron almost spat out his coffee "You two don't stop bloody talking!-"

"And laughing-" Hermione added

"It's like you're inseparable some days, sharing inside jokes, finishing each other sentences, I'm worried you're about to replace me as your best friend!"

"Obviously not!" Harry laughed "and we're not like that!-"

"Yeah right.."

"We're not, Ron! I guess we do have more in common than I realised at first, laugh all you want but I'm glad we're friends"

"Just friends?" Hermione asked, cocking her brow with a smirk

Harry's face dropped "What's that supposed to mean?"

Hermione looked across at Ron, who in return backed away not wanting to be the one to say it "Come on, Harry. You're gay, Draco is gay, you both get on very well... "

"Ok, stop right there" Harry cut in, hands in the air "Firstly, I'm dating Matthew, thanks for remembering that part... secondly, we're not interested in each other like that. We might get along now but we still drive each other insane sometimes"

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