The principals office

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POV: Dallas Young


I jolted awake, and was met with the beautiful face of Mrs Myers the geography teacher not one person in our class liked. Scratch that no one in the school liked, she was one of those old teacher that go by the book, she reeks of homophobia, she was old school.

"Yes Mrs Myers" I asked, " no sleeping in my class, you have time to do that at your house at night." She rolled her eyes and I gave her a smile "sorry Mrs Myers I was far to busy railing this blond-"

"MR YOUNG" she called out as a snicker was heard around the class. I hadn't meant to be disrespectful but...actually no Yea I was. But I mean she was homophobic and islamaphobic and any other word that ended in 'phobic' disgusting. "Principal office now. And don't give me your 'I have practice because I will talk to Coach Johnson and we will arrange something"

"Okay Mrs but you should know that Coach doesn't tolerate players not attending practice so you see-" she slammed her hands on my desk and leaned in close to my face, ew.

"Mrs, Colgate has teeth whitening strips, I actually have some in my bag if you want some hold on" I grab my bag as the whole class laughed, by the look on her face it doesn't seem she appreciated the comment very much.

"Detention." She said calmly.

"But Mrs-"

"DETENTION DALLAS" I rise from my seat and raise my hands in surrender, swinging my bag over my shoulder. I stop for a second and turn to her,

"So...Where do you want me to leave these teeth whitening stri-"

"DALLAS" she yells and I flinched. Christ almighty all I wanted to was help the poor woman. "Alright alright I'm going" I walk out the door .

Two lefts and a right and here I am at Mr Golds office. I smile to myself before walking towards the door to open it.

"Annika can we discuss this later I have work to do," Mr Golds voice echos through the walls,

"Yes but dad-" her words are cut off by a hot 6'4 male with a charming smile and a black hair, oh look no it's just me. I smile to myself as I waltz into the office and place my big ass on the seat. And then I cross my legs. Professional. 10 points to Big dick dallas.

"Why is the tall boy smiling at you creepily" what I assumed to be Annika said. " excuse me this smile is what gets woman's panties wetter than Niagara Falls"

"Gross" she mutters under her breath, it's just facts. Beat it or eat it, "look Dallas you can't keep this act up," I sigh and slump back in my seat serious conversations made me want to-

"Dallas You will be kicked off the team, after the prank you and the basketball team pulled last semester nearly got you kicked out," it included One man, two whipped cream cans and the whole student body taking photos and uploading pictures of a naked man running through a football field. Me. I was the man. Plus I became famous for a week. Minus, the world will forever know me as "penis pie man". Was it worth it? Yea, actually it was.

"Stop smiling like that" her voice brought me out of my happy daze. "Listen, penis pie man shall forever live on," I smiled to myself. She nods and turns to Mr gold.
"Well I'm going to be leaving now, bye" she rolled her eyes and walked towards the door.
"Cant handle the heat, understandable baby, it gets to much sometimes and that's okay. No shame to admit it"

"Right. penis pie man" she says as she walks out the door, "the name lives on!" I point both pointer fingers to the sky.

"Dallas," here we go, I knew that voice. Mr gold was about to give me an ultimat-"ultimatum, that's what I can give you," I sighed and leaned back in my seat. "What's the ultimatum?" I asked, he looked at me and sucked a deep breath in. "Well, you can either keep up the attitude and day your farewells to basketball or, you can join the schools baby program"

"Excuse me? Sir I didn't have to wanna get into this but I'm a man with a penis. I cant have a child, not to mention how messed up it is for our school to promote teenage pregnancies" he rubbed his temples and placed his hands on the table "Dallas, the baby's are fake. It's a course that will help display maturity in young adults. In your case you'll be able to show teacher such as Mrs Meyers you have grown into a responsible, respectful and mature young man" 

Me? A baby? No. It's not that I hate kids or anything, I just don't need that extra stress. Right now, not with the season starting in the next two weeks, that being said I won't be participating this season if I don't do this stupid shit.

After letting out what felt like the 50th sigh today I reluctantly agreed to Mr Golds terms. "How long will this course be?" I asked. "8 weeks long, you'll be paired up with a partner of my choosing and will alternate duties each week" god damn, 8 weeks? Coach is going to skin me alive.  I go to open my mouth but am cut off before I could say anything. "Look, come back on Wednesday and ill get Mrs Smith the head of the course to answer any questions. Okay?"

"Alright." We sat in silence for a few moments before he points to the door signalling me to get the fuck out. I shake my head. "I'm not going back to geography with that witch. So for 25 minutes I will sit here and keep you company" I said with a smile on my face. Mr Gold looked as if he had given up and waved a dismissing hand at me. Victory.


"So let me get this straight" Jake said from beside me. "You. Dallas Young. Are going to be taking on the part of a father to a fake baby in order to stay on the team?" Currently we were at the schools cafeteria with a few people from the team. Jake, Sammy, Brandon and Sebastian where all looking at me as if I were crazy.

"Oh come on it's not going to be difficult, plus If I get partnered up with a girl I can easily get out of it. One flash of this smile and she's a goner." They all rolled there eyes at me. Of course I was joking, I didn't think I was that attractive but I wasn't ugly. I had girls the had admitted they were into me and I had girls I could call if I ever needed a good fuck but I was no Ryan Reynolds.

"Have you told coach about this?" Sammy asked. "No I haven't but I will next period since we have practice" they all share worried glances "you guys I'll be fine, coach will understand once I explain it to him.

They all nodded wearily, they worried to much I was going to be fine.

Coach's office
So turns out it was very not fine, coach freaked out once I told him what was to happen. Now I use cuss words all of us do, but at that moment in that conversation I've never seen coach swear so much in his gosh darn life.

"I don't really see how it's a problem coach," I whispered not wanting to anger him more, he walked up to me slowly and leaned down to my level letting me know that by his body language I was super in for it.

"NOT A DAMN PROBLEM KID? ARE YOU FUCKING WITH ME BOY." I flinched at his tone, my bad I should have kept my mouth shut. He went on to tell me that he couldn't have me missing practices cause of this baby project and I assured him it wouldn't clash with practice. I'd simply let my partner know my basketball schedule and let them know that they'd have to take the stupid baby during these sessions.

He glared at me before shooing me off to go and practice reps with the other boys.

Whoever I got partnered with for this had to be pretty damn cooperative in order for us fo make this work. I'd guess I'd just have to see on Wednesday.

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