Its a boy!

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"DALLAS," coach called from across the court. He flicked his two fingers in my direction calling me over to him. "Yea coach?" I ask when I get there. "Scouts are starting to look for players to scout starting from the first game of the season." My nerves jump when he says this.

My relationship with my father was....difficult to say the least. Brandon Young was not an easy man to please, he wasn't a horrible father or anything. Never laid a hand on me or my sibling but sometimes I couldn't help but feel a sort of neglect. I tried hard to make him proud yet nothing seemed to really work, that was until I found basketball.

He came to my games and saw me play, he would help me train so I was in the best shape possible and had the best opportunities handed to me. That's why I couldn't afford to lose this chance at a scholarship. I didn't want to just disappear from his sight again.

"I've put in a good word for you boy, don't fuck it up." I took in a breath and nodded, after that we discussed my new training schedule, it would mostly stay the same since for the duration of the baby program we would hold classes every Wednesday after school to check in and see how exactly everyone was doing with the baby.

So instead of Wednesday training sessions after school, I'd have them during last session instead since it was a free period I had as well as everyone in the team.

"Alright boys pack up, I expect everyone on of you princesses to be here tomorrow bright and early, with the exception of you Drake, Your mother called me explaining that your little problem down there seems to be getting worse which reminds me. Stay the hell away from me I don't know if that shits contagious" We all howled in laughter as Drake scratched his head muttering something about how foreskin infections were very common at our age.

"Okay get the fuck out of my gym." Coach sighed and walked to god knows wherever. Looking at the time i decide that it would be best to start walking down to Mrs Smiths classroom before Annika gets there. It'll be fun to bug her for being late.

God I'm an asshole. I smiled to myself.

"Annika your 3 whole minutes late" I shake my head and scold her, she rolled her eyes and placed her binder down as she took a seat on a table next to mine. Was I slightly offended that she hadn't taken the seat next to mine? Yes I will say I was.

"You wound me. Right here." I say pointing at my heart she smiles. "Really?" I nod and she nods with me but then places her hands on my wrist and rotating each hand the opposite way.

This bitch just Chinese burned me.

"THATS MY PLAYING ARM NEEKI!" I yell clutching my arm tightly, for a girl with small hands she sure does pack a punch. "Now I truely wounded you and you'll be fine.....if your not, we'll" she shrugs "sucks to suck" I look at her with a hurt expression.

"Fine but I'll have you know that If I lose our first pregame this season I'm blaming it on you" I explained to her, still clutching my inflamed arm.

"Just say you suck at basketball and move on." She teases and i roll my eyes, we both now that just wasn't true.

Damn are those tears burning in my eyes. No I'm no pussy. I'm not gonna let this small girl see me cry. Fuck why does my arm hurt that much.

Don't cry Dallas your a big boy.

"Why are you crying Dallas" I wipe my eyes furiously and start to get defensive. "shut up it was one tear and it's really dusty in here and I'm allergic to dust I have an Epipen and everything okay?" I cross my arms and hiss when the burning sensation intensifies.

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