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POV: Annika Gold
5:50am. My alarm had went off at 5:50am god what a time to get up. I had a head ache and the makeup from yesterday was still smeared on my face I could just feel the acne starting to rise.

I had gotten a ride with Mare, i had told her that I could call an Uber but she had told be she didn't want to be there anyway, something told me it had to do with Jake Miller sucking Indiana Lewises face off. Asshole, they were all the same. All of them.

Getting up I had quickly gotten changed into a dress with tiny little blue flowers spread across the dress. The dress came to my thigh and displayed my collar bones . I added a necklace with a small gold pendant and headed downstairs.

I had to catch a ride with dad who left super early because of his 'principal duties' it would also give me a chance to beg him once again to let me attend Florence School of Arts. My dad had a plan set up for me, I would go to a good business school around the area. Get my degree in business and move up the cooperate ladder.

However I had a different dream.

I loved creativity, I was all for drawing, dancing, acting, writting and singing. They were all so important to both me and my mother. She had passed a little over two years ago, she and I had a dream. I would have my art displayed on the Louvre, yes they were unrealistic. Severally unrealistic, But as I grew in age I found myself only being consumed even more by arts.

Architecture, statues, portraits were all something I fell in-love with. It was a pool of endless swirls of emotion, feelings and experiences with no bottom. However it seemed my father hadn't seen it the way I did. 'It's a waste of time time Annika, you have a hobby that's amazing but this is not a career plan' he had told me.

I spent the night crying talking to a picture frame of my mother complaint to her about what dad had said that night. I had many traits. One being I was stubborn as hell, a train I had inherited from my mother. I was not going to give up that easily, so my mission today is to convince my dad to at-least think about Art school. I will Play the mom-card.

"Hey honey" he greats me kissing the back my head and giving me a hug, "morning papa" I smile to him as I tied my hair up and grabbing a bowl and some cereal to make myself some breakfast.

"Dad where's the milk?" I asked, scanning the tables looking to see if I had missed it. "We're out, Since your brothers back in town and he's inhaling food like he hasn't been fed the entirety of his college experience"
Lawson was three years older than me and was tall as fuck. He played football in college and was recently scouted into the NRL.

Unlike me, he hadn't really chosen football as a career. It sorta just fell into his lap, he was a law major and football was just a side hobby, until he started getting good. Really good. His coach asked him to go professional to which he was kind of on the fence about, eventually Jason agreed and there he was. A rising NFL superstar. Fuck him.

"Where is Lawson?" I asked him.

"Sleeping, I tried waking him up but you know your brother. He sleeps like he's hibernating" i sighed and shook my head placing everything back in there designated spots and grabbed an apple.

"I'm waiting in the car dad" I made my way outside as my dad yelled out how he was going to be in the car in a minute. Game plan. That's what I had to think of, a game plan.

I didn't want to bug him but this was my future we were talking about, I could tell that with each discussion on the topic he was slowly softening and opening his mind towards the idea. Dad never got mad at me, he was a kind hearted man who wouldn't hurt a fly. Despite this fact I could tell he was slowly becoming irritated with my constant begging.

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