"Not your wife Dallas"

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POV: Annika Gold

"What." I asked my father in shock, why would I have to do that?

"Its to show me that I can trust you if you were to ever somehow fall pregn-"

"Dad what the heck" I stopped him before he could go on, I was going half way across the country but that didn't mean I was gonna abandon all my sense of mind

"Dad there is another reason. I can see it on your face" he laughed and scratched the back of his neck.

"You know Dallas, he's...." He tries to look for a word that wouldn't offend Dallas, even though said Dallas was not here. "Troubled" he finally decided. "And I think this would benefit the both of you, look it's either this or say bye bye to your chances at you dream college"

I rubbed my temples and restrained myself from banging my head into the wall repeatedly. "Alright I'll do it" in retrospect, it was nothing. I would just have to deal with his annoying ego and personality for....

"Wait how long do I have to do this for?"
I questioned "8 weeks" he answered.

Holy mother of god.
POV: Dallas Young

"What do you know about Annika Gold" I asked Blake. Blake knew everything about everyone. Who their friends with, there family, Dick sizes. Not that I ever needed to know dick sizes of some people....actually no thats not true. "Not a lot, why can I ask?"

Welp there goes that,

"No reason," I continue, he looks at me weird and then focuses his eyes back on the project we're supposed to be completing. Something about ovaries, usually I'd be all over this but a certain girl just seemed to occupy my mind. No i wasn't day dreaming about Annika and kicking my feet in the air while giggling singing love songs.

I won't lie she's beautiful, stunning actually. She's a bitch though, but my god is it funny as hell to annoy her. The face she does when I've visibly offended her still makes me laugh.

"Why are you smiling like that" I look over at Blake and glare. I internally groan as I realise it was Wednesday and I have a meeting with Mr Gold and Mrs Smith to organise this stupid 8 week baby program.

"Dallas," a voice purred sensually behind me, I turn only to be met with Cassidy Langford. Now let me tell you this girl can moan like she was a god damn opera singer. That was not a compliment, she screeched hard, it was like wiping a window multiple times and not getting that one bloody stain out do you go again and again and again until you give up.

Point was, she was a good fuck if you had no ability to hear and if you did. You can say good bye to it as soon as you dip your cock (or vagina) into her pussy.

I wasn't mean. It was just a fact.

"Hello Cassidy," I smile politely at her and she touched my biceps, "it seemed like you loved what I did with my mouth that one night with all your groaning, care to repeat it" she whispers what was supposed to be a sensual tone in my ear

She was correct, she in fact did have me groaning but not at all for the reasons I'm sure she thought, while Cassidy was giving me what she called 'head' I was trying my hardest to enjoy the moment, she had put her knee on my already bruised foot (I can thank Liam Millers who stepped on my foot during training for that) pressing it hard causing me to groan in pain.

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