Make it last.

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"We are not naming the baby Pussius Destroius, Dallas." I explained while walking with the baby.

"The third" he added and I looked at him with a puzzled expression "Pussius Destroius the third" he explained

"Who is number one and two" He looked at me and smirked. Lord please give me strength. "Look we will discuss this later, my dad is waiting for me in the parking lot."

"Oh, you don't have a car?" He asked. "No I don't have my license" I explained to him as we walked to my dads car. "Why not?"

"I was driving down a neighbour hood when this random lady came by," I started "oh, did she report you for speeding or something?" His face held interest. "No I hit her with my car" I explained to him with a serious look on my face. He laughed and I stopped walking, turning to him and raising my eye brows while crossing my arms.  "Your not serious" his face held concern.

Instead of putting his mind to rest, I said nothing and continued to walk to my
Dads car. "Wait, I seriously cant tell if your joking!" I hear him shout from behind me and I smirk. "Don't worry about it!" I shout back. "The hit was intentional anyway!" I shouted after. "Wait what!" His voice faded as I continued my walk. "Wait Annika what did you just say!" He said sounding very concerned.

When he was completely out of hearing range I had finally reached the cars parking lot and as expected, my fathers Black Jaguar was parked up front. Opening the car I was met with my father who was wearing a smile on his face. "Hi honey, how did everything go?" He asked. "Good, but I cant believe I'm partnered up with that bozo," I complain and he chuckles. "Everything will be fine" he reassure me and I let out a snort.

"So is this the little guy" he said gesturing to the baby. "It is," I say to him, and he nods. "Just so we're clear that thing won't scream and cry at night, your old man needs his sleep" i smirked at him, "oh daddy dearest, this baby will be screaming and crying all night" he sighed and turned the ignition on and we were off.


"So I heard Lawson was back in town" Mia says to me timidly. She thinks I don't see her blush when she turns away. Little does she know it creeps down her neck to the tops of her ears. "Yes Mia, Lawson is back. How do you feel about that" she turns to me wide eyed.

"What! No! I'm normal!, it was just like a question-" I smirk at her and she pushes me "calm yourself Mia, I'm kidding." She sighs and I laugh. "However he is in the room next to us so" she looks at me knowing what I was about to do, I smirk and inhale.

"LAWSON!" She hits me with a pillow and hides behind me on my bed. The girls came over to hang out so I could tell then what happened with younge. Not much happened yet Stacy being the hopeless romantic she was started conjuring up a whole story of me and him falling inlove. Which was never going to happen.

Mia was seated on my bed and the two girl were sitting on the floor with their backs to the wall beside eachother opposite my bed.

The other girls laugh and Mias blush intensifies. Lawson walks into our room and his eyes brighten when they pass over Mia. "Mimi your here!" He runs up to her and hops on my bed, tackling the poor girl.

Lawson and Mia were friends, she used to come over a lot so naturally she got to know Lawson. Mia was so upset when she found out he was moving for college but kept it inside none the less. Mia felt for Lawson no matter how much she denied it.

Lawson-like the idiot he was- didn't notice. He still hasn't. "Lawson get of me I can't breathe!" Mia said trying to get my heavy brother off her small body. Lawson reluctantly got off and then swung Mia over his shoulder. "Lawson! Put me down!" She said and he smirked, "not a chance, we have catching up to do" he smiled and took Mia to his room. It was times like these were I think Lawson might have known her little crush for him this whole time

"Three whole years mini bear! I have so much to tell you" Lawson squealed like a little school girl. I hear his room door shut and I turn my attention to the other two. Stacy stood there with her crocheting needles mid stitch. "Awe how romantic," she says snapping out of her trance with a love struck look on her face. "Who wants to make bets when they'll get together"

"Give it 3 months" Mare calls while examining the fake baby.

"He's not here even here for that long," she just looks at me and raises an eyebrow putting down the baby for a second.

"3 months." She says again.

"End on this month" Stacy calls

"Next month" I say and we all nod and go back to what we were doing. We hear Mia's laugh echo through the halls.

"2 months," Mare says, changing her bet.

"No you can't change it," I say, she sighs and rolls her eyes.

"So Annie how does this thing work," she asks holding up the baby, I look at her and laugh at the puzzled look on her face. Abruptly the baby starts crying and Mare jumped and chucked it in shock. "Holy shit!" She says still frazzled. Me and Stacy laugh and I go to pick it up,

"No Annika, that's demonic." She says shaking her head in concern. "That's not a cry, that's a god damn-" she thinks for a second. "I have no words it's that bad," she says and crosses her arms. I pat the babies head trying to get it to shut up.

~5 minutes later~

"Just take out the batteries for fucks sake!" Mare says covering her ears.

"I don't know how to!" I say looking for the battery holder. Stacy rolls her eyes and grabs the baby, "we're you given a bottle or anything? Maybe it's hungry?" My eyes light up and I rush to my bag. Searching around for it. I finally find it and toss it to Stacy and she shoves it in the babies mouth.

We all sigh when the crying stops. "Stacy, I'm gonna get my abuela to pray for you tonight" mare says kissing Stacy's cheek.

I smirk at the idea of Dallas trying to deal with this baby, that is something I'd pay to see. "So when does Dallas get the baby again?" Stacy asked.

"Well we decided that one day I'd take it and the next he would, this is excluding when he has games and when I have extra Art sessions after school" I explained.

"Something tells me that it's easier said than done"

"No way that's gonna last" Mare agreed with Stacey. I looked at them both and smiled

"I will make it last." And they nod warily.

Trust me. I would make it last.

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