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POV: Dallas

"So have fun with this one," a groggy and tired looking Annika tells me as she shoves the baby into my arms. Her hair was done in a pillow bun near the bottom of her head, she had pieces of hair sticking out everywhere and it looked like she hadn't brushed it in a week. It looked like she had just left yesterdays make up on and didn't look in the mirror when she left this morning.

In simple terms, Annika looked like dog shit.

"Well don't you look like a princess today Neeks" and she rolled her eyes, just then the baby starts to make a noise and a certain fear flashed through Annika eyes. When she realised the baby was just cooing, she let out a sigh of relief. She looks back to me and I raised an eyebrow.

"Listen, once it goes off. It doesn't shut up, you've been warned." She says and makes her way towards the home economic classroom. I scramble and stand with her as I realise we both have the same class together first period.

She rolls her eyes and takes out her phone, I take this time to analyse the baby, it's eyes were cross eyed and it sent a shiver down my spine. Why did it look at me like that. It started to giggle and I jumped.

"Careful, it can smell fear" I look at Annika and back towards the baby. I turn my head to the side making deep eye contact with it and I swore I was in a trance. "I'm wearing Dior savage I think I'm good Annika"

I snap out of my trance with the devil eyes baby as we make our way inside the classroom. I shove the baby in my hands and wrap my arms around myself. "You take it i think it just put a curse on me" I say seriously. "Holy Shit wait." I turn to the nearest girl and wink at her sending her a charming smile.

She blushed and I smirk. "Nup, still got it" I say as I mouth 'call me' to her and the blush deepened. I turn back to the baby with the weird eyes and glare at it. "Try harder bitch" Annika looks at me like I'm crazy and grips the baby harder turning away from me and sending me a look over her shoulder. It was a look that said 'what the fuck is wrong with you'

"I hope to god you don't plan to have a kid in the future" she says warily covering the fake babies ears. "Don't worry Neeks I wrap before I tap" she scrunches her face in disgust and shakes her head in disappointment. "Alright then," she says and shakes squirms in her spot which causes me to chuckle.

"Your coming to the first game of the season Neeks," I demand, to be honest the only reason for that was so she'd take care of the baby, but hey it's a total plus to have that hottie and a half cheering for me on the bleachers.

A fantasy truely, her in a cute little cheerleader outfit cheering my name 'Dallas, I love the way you play with balls' she says seductively. I snort at my thoughts.

"DALLAS" i jump in shock.

"Why are you screaming woman! Im right here" lucky her.

"Well maybe if you weren't off with the fairies I wouldn't have to yell to get your attention" I glare at her.

"No baby the fairies are off with me if you know what I'm saying" I smirk and wink. She looked at me her face blank

"That didn't make sense" my smirk falters and I overthink my words, was she right?

"It-it does cause the fairies and like me having a- you know what forget it if I have to explain it you've ruined it" she rolls her eyes and nods before walking away.

"You'll come to the game!" I yell but she's half way across the car park, but I was pretty sure she heard me because she through up a middle finger... a bitch through and through.

"Fuck, why is it so hard to change a babies diaper?" Somehow-and don't ask cause I truly don't know- I had ended up covered in baby piss. Now when Annika handed me the baby she had forgotten to give me a few important things. The bottle, the diaper and the dummy, basically everything you need to make it stop crying. However because I'm practically and engineer I whipped up a Stella plan.

I grabbed a bunch of tissues, a rubber band and covered it's...thing and wrapped that shit up tight. Easy dubs.

"Dallas, baby" I smiled as I turned around, Veronica stood there smiling at me. Veronica and I had this secret exclusive but not really exclusive thing going on. It was simple, i had feelings for her, she had feelings for me however we fucked different people. However since I met her it had been significantly less.

"Hey roni," I said holding her cheek and kissing her slowly, she was fucking amazing. God she was beautiful, she was short and had beautiful blonde hair and nice lips, her eyes were the prettiest shade of green. Over all she was my type and god was her personality something else

"Date tonight?" She asked me and my smile grew bigger as I tried not to squeal, we rarely went out but when we did fuck I felt like I was in love with the girl.

"I can't say no to that," she laughed lightly and I was mesmerised. Perfection

"Good cause I had something to propose to you" she smiled and kissed me again,

"I'll be there baby, text me the details, yea?" She hummed and bid me a quick good bye before walking out the doors if the gym.

Fuck did I want her to be mine.

And just as I was coming down an annoying voice came through the doors where veronica exited.

"Dallas you fool"

Here we go.

You guys the story will pick up i swear. I just checked and I haven't updated since like fkn January but I'm gonna get on the writting grind guys dw dw 🧸

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2022 ⏰

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