Tucker Camwells party

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POV: Annika Gold

"Purple isn't my colour Mare," I didn't hate parties, they weren't a first option when I decide what exactly I wanted to spend my Tuesday night doing. One it was fucking Tuesday and two I hated sweating. And teenagers. And drinking. And loud music. Actually that third one was a lie But despite actually liking nothing about a party I still go. Why? Well mostly because of Maria my best friend. And the alcohol but mostly Maria

She was a wild one, she loved parties and dragged me to every single one, I hated her for this. I would rather be at the gym or reading or literally doing anything else, but sometimes parties were exactly what I needed, and Mare always seemed to know when I needed one. Which seemed to be now, on a Tuesday.

"Oh shut up Annie everything is your colour, but if you hate the dress there are more dresses in the closet. I stalk over to her closet and go through her clothes. Skimpy, way to revealing, how the fuck do you even wear that. After a while I come across a long sleeved short dress with a v-neck. It was black and by the material would definitely hug my body. This would have to do, grabbing the dress I ask permission to wear it to which I got a 'hell yea!" From Mare.

My hair was left out, I had had it in a bun all day so the hair was already wavey, my make up was light. Mascara, concealer, foundation and lip gloss.

"Are you going to pre-games on Wednesday?" Mare called out from the room. Basketball was Sumer-Valley highs favourite sport, that and football. "I'm not sure yet" I called out from the bathroom. "Okay yes we are, we're seniors and this is our last first game ever!" she whined.

I couldn't lie I don't think I'd ever even care for missing my "last first game" ever. It wasn't even really the 'first game' it was just pre-games our school did with other locals. But despite my feelings I didn't think I really had a choice whether I was going or not once i saw Maria's face when she walked into the bathroom.

"Holy shit you look amazing, I'd fuck you if I swung that way" she mumbled as she scanned my body from head to toe.
"It's because if Jake isn't it?" Jake and Maria have had this thing going on, flirting and hooking up. They both had feelings for eachother but it seemed to be a game of who would admit it first. Knowing Maria, it was not going to be her.

"Yes actually that is exactly why where going," I sighed and agreed with her to which led to her squealing and hugging me. Maria was dressed in a white off the shoulder dress that came down to her mid thigh, she looked hot. The colour brought out her brown skin and black hair. Her makeup was also similar to mind but she had a tinge of pink smeared in her eyelids making her grey eyes pop.

"Well if your ready let's go bitches"

Deep breath in and deep breath out. I'd make it through this.


The part was held at Tucker Camwells house. Again. Not that I was complaining he had the biggest house which meant more ventilation circulating through the crowd thank god. Like I said, I hated sweating.

"Holy shit he really did it up this time, what's the occasion?" Mare asked as we entered the house. Instantly our eyes went to Stacy and Mia and Mare waved them over completing our group.

"Didn't you hear?" Mia started, we all looked at her silently telling her to continue. "Tristan Bayton got a girlfriend,"  Tristan was our schools QB. Dumb as a door nail that one but what was he? A bloody celebrity? Who gives a shit who he was dating. "And so we need to throw a huge party for the guy? He's not getting engaged bloody hell"

"Are you still upset about the whole situation? We can leave you know?" Okay so Tristan and I dated for a year and then he broke it off. He told me that 'there were just so many options and he wanted to explore the sea of women Summer-Valley had to offer' those were his exact words. A month later I found out that he had been cheating on me with Brooklyn Taylor's......And Beth Hannigan. And Sophia Dylan's. And Brittany Douglas, who by the way was his second cousin. Don't ask me how I didn't see it all that time.

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