It all began with a Reading

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AN: Hi again guys! Hope you enjoy this mess of a story and how's it going so far. The main point of the story is how Maru y Bruno met and how things began to go downhill and basically, almost all of the chapters will be that. Also, I have no ending planned, but it may be similar to the movie's one.

Now we will move almost 20 years to the past, by this time Maru and Bruno would be in their late teens, and the image at the begging of the chapter would be Marulanda but younger, not a big difference from her older self. Now, with nothing more to say, ENJOY!

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The Past

Los Salazar, one of the founding families of Encanto, counting with Elvira and Luis Carlos Salazar parents of the 4 Salazar children, second-generation who now lives here in this town made by a simple yet powerful Miracle. And after more than 10 years of settling, 3/4 of their children are married or engaged, securing a new stronger generation in this new chance for a tranquil life; and for sure it's the same sort of vision that the Madrigal matriarch shares over her family counting with triplets as her children.

Sarita Salazar was the oldest, already married some years ago, and expecting twin babies, a family-orientated woman for sure but mostly dedicated to agriculture to help feed the town and her own.

Following as the middle one goes Jacobo, engaged to a priest's daughter, it was a small scandal but never grew too serious. They are happy, that's all that matters.

There's also Guadalupe, the younger one, she was recently seen in a relationship with a young boy called Osvaldo, even with their younger age, Osvaldo already made clear that when he gets older, he plans to marry the Youngest Salazar.

Then... Marulanda, not married nor engaged, limited at embroidering and clothes making as a seamstress, even with such great designs and aptitudes, no proposals nor bachelor interested. That sure was to become a problem for her parents, not wanting a lonely life for their younger middle kid who has so much to live yet.

- It's okay, I'm still young and fine mami, there will be someone eventually, just not yet; and also I'm working on these orders, lo podemos discutir más tarde? -

The principal family business, clothing, that Maru got basically for herself and Guadalupe, the only ones at least interested in it, including also their mom. Farming was there too, but it worked basically as a social service for their growing community, in which the older siblings were interested, but does that even matter? After all, Sarita and Jacobo each are more focused on their already forming own families.

- Más te vale Maru, enserio, I just want all of my children to live happy and comfortable lives-

-I understand, I understand, you always say the same thing -

-Bien, I'll be working at the back for a while, and you have to take this delivery to the Madrigals -

Los Madrigal's and its magical casita, it's always an incredible and interesting theme, especially the so said gifts Doña Alma's children have, interesting indeed, but one never truly ends to understanding them at all.

- Ah sure, I just finished this skirt, I'll be going now, Love you Ma' -

Taking off the apron and the pins in the skirt, a nicely packed box was waiting at Marulanda's desk, in a tag written the order number and price, 4 clothes of considerable quality, they always make this order each time they host a party or have a generally small event, seems like they like to get new clothes for those, not that she minds having such loyal customers

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