Hands, Buñuelos & a Flaco's Schedule

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AN: Welcome again! Man, I really love doing these random Author Notes at the beginning of every chapter, Idk why I just enjoy it (Also it helps to reach more than 1000 words lmao). I was also thinking of drawing young Maru and Bruno just for funsies, just to show it in a little AN chapter with maybe some other drawings, we'll see later ;)

Also, by the time I'm writing and posting this ( 7th and 8th of December) FELIZ DÍA DE LAS VELITAS GENTEEE! (Just a little holiday here in Colombia) Hope y'all don't get burnt with powder or something! That also gives me some ideas for an "Año Viejo" chapter... I'll keep that in mind for the future!

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The Past

The days soon began to pass for both Salazar and Madrigal kids, Marulanda was busy as heck with the incoming wave of weddings, including offering herself to make the clothes for her brother's Jacobo wedding that was to come soon-ish. And with these days, both parents from the Salazar family used the time to slightly tease their daughter that she may meet her future groom in one of these weddings, Maru simply laughed and brushed it off, eventually realizing that it had been a week and she still doesn't meet with Bruno to discuss the meanings and order of events, and Maru had already made a lot of writing in the possibilities, that girl was already trying to beat destiny and it has barely been a week.

-Lupe- Maru called her little sister Guadalupe, who was already busy stitching a guayabera and fixing a sombrero antioqueño, but sure, Maru had a bigger mountain of work because she was older. -Cuida la tienda un ratico, voy por un poquito de comida de Julieta a ver si nos arreglamos estas manos hechas un mamaracho-

That was... quite true, both sisters hands were shit at the moment, with endless work arriving and thimbles running short, their hands were full of cuts and bandages of all the hard work they had to make lately, and they didn't want to bother their mom to help them, Elvira was already busy taking all those orders and delivering them even at her older age and shape.

- Sure, and bring some buñuelos so we can offer some to mom and dad!-

- Noted! So 6 buñuelos it is, I'll be back in a while, make sure to take care of the store!- 

Leaving the store while rearranging her hair on her signature bun, Maru simply walked downtown, never really took off the working apron, after she still was at work schedule. The walk would be long, but in the way at the distance saw Pepa, who was trying to keep composture so it would be sunny in the several acres of crops around her.

-Bueno' dia' Pepi! - Maru screamed while waving at the redhead, she usually got along with her especially after so many times she comes to the store because she damaged a dress for not keeping herself calmer, can't truly blame her, she became a very recurrent customer, so one could say they were becoming friends

-Marulanda! Pa' 'onde vas?- Pepa waved back, surely a familiar face helped to keep her happier, and so, sunnier. 

- Gotta get some food from Julieta, work has been tough this month so Guadalupe's hands and mine are in a terrible state! But visit the shop whenever you want Pepi, y'know I always have some spare time to help you-

-I'll keep it in mind, thanks! Have a nice day Maru!-

-You too, also, keep up the good work, the sun feels kinda nice- 

And after such a short but nice exchange, both continued their stuff; Those two for sure are a pair of nice friends, not the closest, but a pair of nice casual friends whose exchanges always were interesting, to say the least

The rest of the walk was Maru trying to run towards Julieta's food stall before it was too late, usually, a bigger line would form if one arrived too late. Because of the running a lot of "Sorry's" were screamed by our favorite Salazar, and all that energy just dropped off as soon as she arrived, happily, there were only around 5 people in line. Exhausted by all the running, she didn't realize it was already her turn, and in surprise, an Aborrajado de Platano Maduro was stuffed in her mouth and immediately recovered her energy, and also her hands

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