The Seamstress's Week

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AN: Helloo! Quite an interesting past chapter wasn't it? It'll be a story ark of about 5 chapters or more, it depends a little if I want to do each of Maru and Bruno's sides of events, for Bruno's I have a fitting song, so it may be Song Themed like the "Just The Two of Us" chapter was. 

For today's chapter image we have a fanart of Marulanda made by Mio!  (user: uhuhmio I have a weird problem with me trying to @ someone, sorry)! THEY JUST HAVE A BEAUTIFUL ART STYLE AND I COULDN'T BE MORE THANKFUL!  SO GO GIVE THEM SOME LOVE BC MIO IS SIMPLY AMAZING AND SO IS THEIR ART <33

Anywayyy! Enjoy <3

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The Past

After the weekend helping Bruno with his usual work of doing visions, the week comes back for Marulanda, and most sense of freedom or going out stops from Monday to Friday 7 am to 5 pm, back a few years ago it was more work hours, but now as she managed this side of the business, at least she could give her sister and herself much more peaceful time off work.

Of course, last weekend helping Brunito was interesting... She got invited on a date of someone she didn't know, quite literally, but Maru as positive as always kept an open and nice mind about food or also befriended the guy, Maru prefers to call it a "friendly outing".

Waking up at 5 am it's normal for her at this point, immediately doing the breakfast while Guadalupe got ready, it's always silent in the mornings since the house was left for themselves, sometimes their parents, siblings, and baby nephews visit, or sometimes they even went to visit.

Bruno rarely comes to the house in the mornings, but if he does, he usually greets from the kitchen window where he talks for a while then leaves to help at home


-Morning, Guada. Coffee?-

She serves Guadalupe's breakfast then goes and gets ready, quickly enough for her food not to get cold, as they get ready completely, by 6 am they have one spare hour, sometimes they share interchange chores, one goes for what they need downtown and the other does house chores, the same routine interchanged every once in a while.

-I have a date next Saturday-

It was better to tell her now than on Friday, plus Marulanda didn't see a big deal into it, but Guadalupe truly did, even getting up in shock and pointing at her sister in disbelief.

-BRUNO ASKED YOU OUT?- An understandable reaction and assumption, considering how Lupe tends to tease around calling them a couple.

-...No- Marulanda answered after her second cup of coffee, she should buy some tea leaves later on. She wavered on her answer a little and shook her head softly.

-Then who!?- 

-Ehh, Santiago Romero, he and his family are new around here. I see it more as a friendly outing than a date- She drank from the coffee again, not seeing much of a big deal and waving it off.

-You realize this is the only date you had in ages?-

-Yeah, I don't have a much successful love life than you, and I'm older- Marulanda laughed as her sister simply pressed her around with the information about the date.

-That doesn't matter, is the dude even hot?-

Now that's a question Marulanda didn't ask herself, nor did she cares for. Santiago was nice, that's it, was it a reason enough to accept going out on a date?

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