Everything Gets Told In Due Time

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AN: Hello! So I may have fixed some mistakes quicker than I planned lmao, and I may have found a nice way to divide the ark/plot points ;) Basically, every time I finish an ark, we return to Marulanda and Mirabel talking about such events, and sometimes Marulanda hints at little things that have bigger meanings for the future and the general fate of her link with the Madrigal's and her own family

By so, I have fixed the mistakes from earlier chapters, even added a few things here and there that aren't really that important, but if you guys are interested, you can go back and check some of that, the fixing goes from chapter 1 to 8, somewhere minimal, others brought some details from the Encanto books and general own headcanons.

This is a short chapter, sorry for that, but I hope you guys enjoy it and make some theories out of plot points that may happen. Who knows? Maybe I'll use some of those for a fun filler chapter ;)

Today's chapter image was made by  @Softie_hoax, they were one of the first people to make fanart for this story, and her drawing was recently shown in my latest AN Chapter, still, her beautiful drawing deserves to make an appearance in a chapter! <33

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-So you two were... Childhood friends?-

As two years of Marulanda's life with Bruno was summed up, Mirabel looked for verbal confirmation of her exclamation, she already finished the cup of Tinto and cheese that Doña Marulanda offered her.

-Well, not exactly childhood, we became friends in our late teens. But more like friends we were Best Friends, we trusted in each other a lot- She took Mirabel's cup from the table, walking by the kitchen as she cleaned the cup and stared every few moments at the kitchen window... How many times has she left the food there with... Hope? She was already losing it after a whole decade.

-I see, how about the glass rose? Or your own Vision?- The Madrigal girl asked as she sat awkwardly, her hands still over the emerald prophecy, asking about the objects from some of the related events the older woman told about, not sure of all its veracity yet.

-Right... Those. Give me a second dear- She sighed as she walked through the hall at the end of the house, out of reach for basically anyone besides the owner herself, more than one door locked behind with memories too painful or beautiful to relieve them in her mind.

-So, do you know more things about my Tio?-

-Of course, I do! Ha! I remember how scared he was of spiders and every single word in his scripts, in fact, I think I have some of those here, do you want to see them?- 

A conversation was shared several rooms away, one could hear a door opening and then moving of several things around, the older woman sharing everything she remembered about this old friend of hers, with such a fond tone in her voice, even if sometimes it cracked softly.

-There's no need for that Doña Marulanda- Mirabel was invested in the telling, but she was not here to hear even the most minimal details about her uncle, she was here for the vision and its meaning.

-Whatever you say, sweetie! Anyways...- Marulanda came back from the room with a big old box in her hands, it seemed heavy but the woman didn't seem to mind the weight at all. -... I found some older things around, here are some photos of us at a younger age-

It was an old album, still very well decorated and seemed to be handcrafted, it had two dates written in gold, seems like those were the years these photos were taken.

-Can I?- Mirabel moved the original vision aside, softy as she lingered softly in front of the album, asking for permission to touch it.

-Sure thing, You're one of the first ones to even be interested in it... Have people told you I'm crazy?- She may be cast aside from society but she wasn't dumb, even some of her family members have cast her outside and barely visit,  everyone apart from... Well, it was a hard theme.

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