Chapter One.

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New York City

How could all of this have happened in such a short time.

Just 72 hours ago everything was just swinging smoothly. He was speaking on stage happily.  Making him prouder each passing second. Then he left and three hours later. It was all done.

" Mr. Russo we are sorry we couldn't save him. " The balding man told him

Then the media got wild. Sharon was a mess, people were speaking and he couldn't register a single word.

" I have made arrangements for the funeral sir. "

Why was this happening just now.

" Beloved we are here today to say our final goodbyes to our dearest Carlos Russo... He was a son.. a brother.. a friend.. a giver.. "

The minister was speaking at a very slow pace. Victor felt like it wouldn't end.

He's only son. He had loved him so much. He was gone now. It was just like yesterday when he taught him how to hold a pencil. Then a bike. Tucked him to bed. Even though he was a busy business man he always found time to spend with him. He created his future. Watched him become a grown man.
Even with the horrifying amount of parties he went to. And all the girls the media caught him with he trusted he'd run the business smoothly while he'd be gone. But now he left before he even retired.

How would he deal with Sharon. Worse the media. They'll be all over him now. At ball he had made him an official heir. Who'd be in his place now.

As the service was over he took Sharon's hand in his as they made their way out. Only to find swarms of paparazzi outside.

He sighed.

" Mr Russo our sincere apologies.. "

" Mr Russo what will you do about.. " he turned back to look at his PA.

" A little help Ronnie. "

" Mrs Russo.. " Now they were attacking Sharon knowing she would break at any point. Victor pulled her towards the car. Having Ralph open the door.

" Where to sir. "

" You'd think I want to go to the office today Ralph. " He asked in a tired tone.

" Home it is then. "

He heard Sharon gentle sobs. " My baby.."

He patted her soothingly. " It will be alright. " He said to her though trying to believe so himself. 

At the service, still Ronnie stood in the swarm of reporters.

' stupid Russo he had to leave me here. '

She stood displaying the politest smile she could master.

' a little help Ronnie ' She muttered under her breath mimicking him.

Now that she thought about it maybe Carlos was right about her getting that bodyguard. She made a mental note to tell that to Victor.

" Mrs Shay do you think... "

" I think I won't have the answers you need only Mr Russo could tell what's in his head. " 

" But.. "

" Excuse me.. " she made her way through.

Damn it must suck being a reporter.

" How did reporters even get involved in all this " Mr Russo asked her the next morning.

" I don't know you're asking me. Maybe it's the New York billionaire we are speaking about. " Ronnie said putting his coffee on the table.

He sighed. The bags under his eyes evident.

" Why are you even at work today. You know what that does to your image. "

" Well I can't be at home. "

" Is it Sharon. She's throwing tantrums.. "

Victor just burried his face into his palms.

" What now Ronnie. What do I do everything is messed up. " 

" Victor I know it's hard but , there'll always be a way. You have a lot of partnerships. Am sure if you get a good line in there you'll find the right one to take over. I mean .. "

" This is frustrating you know. My fate is mocking me. My mistake is taunting me Ronnie. "

Ronnie looked at him raising her brow. So there was a story behind the statement or he was turning insane.

" Umm.. I'll let you gather your thoughts first. "

She walked to her office reminding Pam to not let anyone see Mr Russo all day.

Just as she got in she saw her phone flashing with Ted's number.

" Ted. "

" Hey baby." He answered right back.

" Everything ok?, I mean is Victor fine "

" I think he's loosing it. " She said sitting at her desk.

" He'll be fine. Am taking Tyrone to the park later. "

" Such a sweetheart. Thanks he can be a handful. " She laughed

" Yeah. He's still a bit shocked about Carlos. He was more like a brother. " he said slowly.

They all were.

That day replayed in Victor's head. The way Diane walked out of this specific office. After he had denied their baby. Their love.

Having lived all of his life after she left regretting. Contemplating whether he should look for her or not.

Whenever he thought of Diane and the baby immediately he'd think about Carlos. Now that he was gone. All he could think was making things right before it was too late. Before he'd have to loose again. Another child.

Even if it meant letting go of his ego.

But, he knew Diane Carter. And it wasn't going to be easy. He was fully aware. If he could turn away 18 years ago when she had still loved him now would be easier.

What if she was married. And his husband denies letting go of the child. His child.

" Where will I find you Diane. "

This would take a lot of explaining to Sharon.

Sighing he picked up the intercom.

" Can you come in Ronnie. " A few minutes later she walked in.

" Am assuming you have settled your thoughts now. What partners should I organize meetings with. "

" Could you look into someone for me. " He said though not in he's all business voice. A bit like pleading.

" We have pressing matters but alright, on with it. " She said looking up from her ipad.

" Almost 18 years ago, err.. " he paused, the hesitantly went on.

" I had an affair with this lady. Diane Carter. " He paused again, Ronnie looked at him unsure of where this was going.

" She got pregnant before we broke up. Can you look into that. " he scratched his head.

Ronnie stood still for a minute, her eyes growing wide.

' damn this guy. What a backup plan. '

" Ronnie ? .. "

" Ah right. Sorry.. shocking I'd say. "

Shocking indeed, now breaking it down to Sharon.

First chapter let me know what you think of it. Please vote and get your friends in here I promise suspense ( *wink*wink* )

Okay who's eager to see what's next.


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