chapter eleven.

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Landon's POV.

Finally Bob and Xander drag my ass home. Just as I expected, big Drew got tired of throwing punches and kicks at me. Though he hit me good and the number of bruises on my body are a proof to that. I didn't let him walk out untouched.

" Come on let's get that disinfected. "

" Can you guys let me take care of myself. Am a freaking adult. "

" How cute. " Bob says pinching my cheeks.

I wince because of my busted lip. " Sorry sorry. "

I try to scowl at him but it only hurts more. I just exhale tiredly.

" Don't look so tired. Imagine what Diane would do to us. "

" Can you shut it already. I think am having a migraine. "

" You wished this upon yourself kid. Who the fuck fights with big Drew. "

" I won didn't I. And can you stop being moms it's just a busted lip "

" Have you seen your.. " Xander starts but he's cut off by a very panicked voice.

" What the hell happened to you. "

She rushes to my side, Xander moves back to give her space. She takes my chin and examines my busted lip.

" What is wrong with you. I told you to stop this, it was just this morning, Landon. "

" It's just.. "

" Hush. " She shushes me turning her glares to Bob and Xander who know better than to try explaining anything.

" Where the hell were you when this happened. I told you whatever job you are giving my son shouldn't kill him. "

" They weren't around mom leave them out of this. "

" This, " she says waving her finger at us three. " .. isn't okay, whatever money they pay you forget it Landon I have the bills covered. I don't need to add hospital billing too. "

" Am actually going to.. " I want to tell her about what Helen told me about her dad but stop when I look over at the door way only to see the man I've seen on only tv shows and magazines.

" What is he doing here. Who the fuck let him in. " I growl glaring at him.

Bob and Xander also turn to see, Victor Russo standing at my kitchen doorway.

I get up ready kick his sorry ass.

" Landon.. " mom stops me pulling my hand.

" Get him the fuck out. " I say. Bob is already standing in front of him like a wall.

" Victor and I will talk it out. Then he'll be on his way. "

Mom says, though she does it very hesitantly through gritted teeth.

Much to my surprise, like he owns the place. He looks around slowly putting his hands in his pockets and walks out to go sit in the leaving room.

" No he doesn't have anything to say about anything. You don't want to speak to him if anything you shouldn't have let him walk in here in the first place. "

She ignores me walking to the fridge looking for something.

" Don't we have anything to drink. "

" What you mean, there's plenty of.. " she shuts it. Looking at Bob and Xander.

" You two should leave now. "

" Will you be okay, Diane. "

" I know what am doing am not a freaking child. Now, go. "

In some minutes, we are left alone in the kitchen.

" I hope whatever you discuss with him his never coming back here. Am going to bed. "

" Why are you angry at me. " She asks crossing her hands over her chest.

" Am not angry at you mom. Am angry at that bastard for thinking he can just come here. "

" I didn't want him to come. But your father is persistent, he only said he wanted us to discuss this as adults. "

" Screw him. " I say getting up.

" That's a lot of swearing for one night come on let's go. " She says going into the living room.

" He wants to speak to you, remember. "

" But I don't want to be in one room with him. Alone. " She waves her hands dramatically.

I roll my eyes following her.

" Yes. Has Bertha left already. Can you tell her to forward the contract to Ronnie. I'll be here until the day after tomorrow, thank you Chris I'll call you back. "

Of course he's working. Why waste time here.

" I was hoping I'd speak to you first Diane. "

" Whatever it is you wish to say Landon should hear it too. "

" Of course, no problem " he says fixing his tie.

" I wanted to apologize, it wasn't my intention leaving you alone in.. am sorry. "

" I bet that took all your guts huh. " Mom let out a humorless laugh.

" If that was all please leave. "

If that rejection didn't hurt him, he was doing a good job masking his feelings.

" It's not all what I did was in excusable and I want to tell Landon am sorry. "

" Of course you are. Listen I don't need your apology or  you sitting here mopping on our goddamn coach. What I need to here from you is that when you walk out of the damn door my name won't exist in that head of yours. You don't know me I don't know you and never come here again. Maybe then I'll consider forgiving you. "

I say getting up going to my room.

I slam the door and fall on my bed in exhaustion. But immediately regretting and wince because of my bruises.

Stupid rich people. Always thinking they can walk in people lives like they own them.
If I really get that job from Mr Donovan I'll make sure I don't be like that old fool.

Speaking of which, we were supposed to go for dinner at the Donovans. I quickly fish out my phone from my bag only to be greeted by six missed calls. I call her and she picks up at the third ring.

" What's up, what happened you were supposed to come tonight. My mom is pissed. "

" Sorry, Mr Russo came. "

" Today. Oh my goodness what does he want. "

" Forgiveness or something of the sort. "

" Oh my goodness is he dying. In movies they always ask for forgiveness when they're sick and dying. "

" Good night Helen. "

I say as I hang up. I should go for that shower now, am too tired to think of anything.

When I get out I can still hear them speaking downstairs.

" You will not be taking my son anywhere Victor. "

" Am just helping you Diane, he got beaten up for what, money. "

" If anyone it's your fault Mr ' I have a reputation ' infact Landon will never agree to come with you. " I could hear her mocking him.

" He is my son. " The nerve of that man.

" You did a good job proving that through the years. "

" I said I was sorry, I am sorry. At least am trying to fix this. "

" There's nothing to fix please leave. And if you ever show up here again uninvited, your son won't hesitate breaking your pretty fingers. "

I smiled at her comment. Damn right I won't.

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