chapter four.

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Since you guys are being so supportive. Go ahead... Here's an update.

Oh and ignore typos

Landon's POV.

Like any other day I wake up make my way into the kitchen to make breakfast. Even though I have lived alone with my mother for eighteen years. Her cooking is so rusty that aunt Joline had to teach me how to cook.

And damn that woman doesn't care. I am not complaining though. As much as I don't like admitting it am an only child, makes me a Mama's boy. But soon I will leave to go to college and I won't be living with my mother there.

Just as am finishing up with the cooking she lazily walks in yawning.

" Good morning to you too Mom. "

She opens her eyes and sniffs into the kitchen taking the sweet aroma of coffee. She smiles.

" And this is why, I never need anything else in my life. You are enough for me. "

" Yeah yeah. You say that every morning you know. "

She laughs. " And I mean it baby. "

I smile passing her an envelope.

" I think you work too hard. " She says taking money from it.

" No I don't. If anyone you should be the one taking a break mom. Nicole tells me you are taking extra shifts. "

" Snitch. " I hear her mutter.

" Mom. "

She exaggerates a sigh.

" Again Landon. Parent.. " she points at herself. " .. child. " She points at me.

" It doesn't justify it, infact you are getting old you should rest now. " I tease her.

" Very funny Landon am not old. You should tell your class mates to stop drooling Everytime I come for a parent teacher conference. "

I laugh. Don't I already know how disturbing that is.

My mom is what they call too young to have an eighteen years old son. She had me when she was just twenty one.

But you can almost never tell she's almost forty.

" Yeah. Well your bar colleagues should stop eye raping me when I drop by. "

" Landon!. "

" It's true. I curse you for the good looks you gave me. "

She laughs.

I have taken much from my mom. Except for my eyes I think it's every thing else. Though she always denies it and says am a print of my father minus her black hair.

But I don't like the thought of that. Because it makes me feel like she hurts seeing me. The exact copy of my father.

" Either ways am heading off to school. I have a calculus test to ace. "

" Mmmmh hmm go kick their tiny asses baby. "

" Will do. "

I pick up my bag and head out already taking my bike.

I know what you're thinking. 

My, my.. a guy participating in street fights for Money associated with gangs of bad people, best friends with a spoiled rich brat excited to take a calculus test.

Trust me, your just getting to know me, I am a lot more interesting.

And once I do get to school I meet Helen, as usual surrounded by other rich kids obviously inviting her to some party.. gala what so ever.

She excuses herself once she sees me.

" Hey Landon. "

" Glitters. How've you been. "

" The usual. " As she finishes speaking a blonde caked in makeup walks to her side and leans into her ear.

" Bring your boyfriend, he's a nice sight to behold. "

She can't even whisper.

" Thank you very, much am not coming. "

She scoffed unbelievingly.

" You are no fun. " Helen says after Blondie leaves.

" You of all people should know am the most fun person in this school. All these kids are just plastic honey. Fake. "

" Yeah yeah. "

We make way to homeroom.

" You know when you left Belle came in like twenty. "

" You should tell your sister am young for Pete's sake. She's like five years older. Even if  I would have like em older but I don't see her in that light. No offense.

" Trust me none taken. "

Unlike Helen, Belle had dull blonde hair icy blue eyes. Not interested.

Even after we broke up. Some people really think we are still dating. I mean we pretty much hang around each other every time. But both of us know we can't have more than we have already because we tried and it didn't work out. We had what they call brotherly love.

Trust me that's a major turn off. Because even though we kissed a lot never made it to the other bases. It just gets awkward.

I mean you go a head and kiss a girl who you can call a sister in your sleep.

And so. I later take my test. Normal school stuff a head. Lunch. And my worst physical education.

After a torturous round of gym session. I have to be in the locker room and change listening to a bunch of idiots speaking about stuff like.

" The one leaving downtown my man. Even her mom is a slut. "


" Second row third column literature class. Win her hundred bucks are yours bro. "

And today was.

" The Donovan chic dude, get us your video on it. We could blackmail her pops into giving us... " Before he was even done my fist connected with his jaws.

Certain I heard something breaking.

" What was that for dude. I thought you were over her give us a chance bro. "

" If you are planning on ruining my friends image at least don't plan it with me around. "

His cheeks flash. Nose flaring.

And that ladies and gentlemen is why I go to school with a bunch of pussies.

" Hey why do you look so worked up. " Helen asks me in the hallway as we get out.

" A bunch of guys were saying stuff about you in the locker room. "

" Not something new is it. I mean am not worked up having girls speaking of how you__ "

" I really want you to choose carefully your guys. Some want to blackmail you or something. "

She stops and looks at me. That's the thing about Helen. She's definitely not innocent but she kinda let's people in easily making most of them use her.

I am trying to help her out but the girl is too social for her own good.

" Thanks Carter I'll definitely be careful. "

Boom boom boom..

Whoa another chapter. Whose eager to meet the main girl character.

Hihi... Soon my peeps patience is a virtue.

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