chapter eighteen.

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" This will do it. " My mom said after doing my makeup, because as she says when I do it myself it looks like it's done  by a mere high schooler. Forgetting I was one some months ago.

After this was over, it'd be bye bye parents so all I hope for, is tonight goes really smoothly and quickly.

My hair was up in a high pony tail, straighten not a single strand loose. Wearing a navy blue evening gown that fit like a glove and heels that were obviously going to kill me, literally. I was ready to make that impression.

It was now six, the driver took us to the desired address. As my father had actually said earlier, we were supposed to meat at a fancy restaurant, however this Mr Russo was caught up in some business so we'd have to go to his house.

When the car halted, it was clear we had arrived, as my parents got out first I tried that smile my mother reminded me of the whole way here.

Getting out last, I looked around and sure enough, this was a home for New York's billionaire no room for argument. Sure the place looked expensive but it felt actually homely. Maybe it was because workers here had smiles on rather than frowns like the ones back at home, not that I blame them I'd have quit if I worked for my parents.

Through scanning around, my eyes land on a guy about my age and I notice he's been staring at me, maybe longer than I had any knowledge of. But it's only for a brief second as my mother's voice reaches me and snaps me out of my trance.

" coming. " I tell to no one in particular as she is already far off inside. Making my way towards the indoors I stop at the door to look back at the guy only to see he's already gone.

Letting it go, as it's not what brought me here, I get in.


Dinner went by smoothly, at least what I had hoped. My father mostly speaking about business with Mr Russo while my mother's attempt to make conversations with Mr Russo's wife failed.. badly.

After being there for almost fifteen minutes, I managed to see that both women didn't want to be in each other's presence not by words they exchanged but by the glares they threw at each other. Sharon Russo was exactly like my mother, and I didn't have to live with her to realize that. The air she carried gave it all away.

" Victor, our daughter Eva will start going to Colombia here in New York. She's majoring in business. " My father proudly said.

" That's good, she must be smart. That's the best university for MBA programs in New York. " Victor acknowledged. However it actually felt nice when he declared it. Unlike my father who only uses it to his advantage and not to make me feel like I actually do good.

" She is. "

Victor turned towards me, asking me a few questions that I answered calculatedly.

When my father brought up inheritance stuff, he made sure not to put it in a way that would only show our low interest.

" What do you think of the coming years Russo. "

But the look on Victor's face were telling, he somehow knew what he was hinting, only playing it cool not to embarrass him.

" You know, business is business, anything happens on the way. "

" True, " my father nods. " As I told you before, I am expanding my wings to America, I think it will do good for the company especially if I am in a partnership with a well known organization like yours. "

" It's a nice thought, but I'll have my board discuss the pros and cons of it, do you have any time to join us while we are at it. "

Gosh no.. they'll have to stay some more.

Why are they even rushing this, the guy has what, ten more years to do whatever.

" Actually, we have an early flight tomorrow, my wife tends to get homesick. " He said with a forced chuckle while my mom looked at him like it was the most embarrassing thing he had ever done.

" That's too bad, then but we'll let you know. " Victor said.

" But us leaving wouldn't be a problem at all. I worked closely with Eva at home, she'll represent me. "

I almost spat out the sparkling water, but contemplating with my brain, I knew where it'd land me, so instead, I swallowed quickly resulting to an audible gulp.

" Is that so. " Victor asked.

" Of course, as I said, she's very bright, right. " My father through the question at me.

" Right, " I smile.


The past few days in New York didn't go as expected. All were busy something to do with the partnership. But today was going to be orientation day and I was more than thankful when Mr Russo said I should just try and focus on school work and we could discuss more on the weekend.

Getting up, I made a mental note to look for that apartment today, I pulled out a pair of ripped pale blue jeans a loose gray t shirt and boots. Tying my hair behind my head and picking up my glasses.

I looked into the mirror and smiled at my reflection. It actually felt nice to do what I want.

I left and headed to campus, where tons of freshmen were walking to and for. I walked around looking for the CSB, Colombia School of Business. Until I saw it with other bunch of people around.

I decided to go sit and wait so I went over to a lone bench that was only occupied by a guy who looked rather interested in his phone.

" Hi, " I said so that I wouldn't be rude.

" Hey " he mumbled back barely above a whisper his eyes not leaving the phone.

" Fuck. " I hear him cuss multiple eyes around us turn.

" Do you mind lowering your voice, at least use it when greeting someone. " I said the last part emphasizing.

" I don't quite care if-- " he started saying while looking at me, but stopped once he saw me.

His eyes scanned my face, then fell to look at my clothes.

" You. " He says

Even though my mind is still registering, it's only been two weeks in New York and I've met so many people.

" Do I,.. do I know you. "

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