twenty three

103 10 4


" My baby. " My mom exclaims once she sees me.

" Come on mom. " I complain

" What, I don't care how old you are you are still my baby she hugs me her short frame barely reaching my shoulder.

" Diane, who are you talking to. " I hear a tiny boyish voice calling from the living room.

" who's that. "

I go in and see a young boy about six to seven with eyes glued on the TV.

" That's Tyrone. " She says as she smiles.

" Well I don't know this Tyrone. " I tell her.

" You don't, he is Ronnie's son. "

" Ronnie has a child. " I ask as she smacks my hand.

" Ronnie is married, so you keep your hands to yourself. "

" Gross, ew.. Ronnie is old. "

" Hey that's my mom your speaking about watch it. "  The tiny guy says eyes still on the TV.

" Did he come like that or is that the effect of being around you. " I ask mom as she rolls her eyes.

" Tyrone, this is my son Landon, who did not mean to be rude "

He gets up and follows me. Eyeing me from head to toe.

" Hmmm, mom was right you do look like uncle Victor. "

" Oh really, she told you so. "

" No but I heard her telling dad. "

Damn it, some six years old is telling me that I look like my forty something dad.

I laugh, " okay kid, don't go around telling people what your parents say. "

" Oh right since you're here, you'll make dinner. " Mom says.

" What you mean am making dinner, where's Luisa. " I ask her about the cook Victor personally hired because she doesn't cook.

" I can't keep the woman here on weekends Landon. "

" So what have you been doing on all other weekends. "

" Well last week I grabbed dinner with Vic-- "

" The hell mom!. " I ask her pissed that she'd go to dinner with him.

" Language, there's a kid in the room. " She says glaring at me.

" Why Victor of all people, for God sakes woman. "

" Landon Harold Carter. "

" When they pull the three names card, you are in trouble bro. " 

" Kitchen now. " Mom says not sparing me a glance.

" Tough life huh. " Tyrone says again and this boy is really something.

" What is wrong with you. " She asks crossing her hands on her chest.

" Me, what's wrong with me? Am not the one jumping at dinners with my ex, if I may add who left for ages. "

" You are over reacting, we ate food. It's not like we are getting back together. "

I open the fridge taking out the chicken and start marinading it.

" Oh yeah. " I ask her.

" I was heading out to eat, we met on the way could I just go ahead and be get lost you didn't have dinner with me for eighteen years. "

" Going nineteen. " I clarify.

" Will you shut up. Just because I ate with him doesn't mean everything is okay. "

I just keep quiet staring at the shut oven.

" Landon, let me remind you. This was your plan okay, I understand you are angry at Victor, I too am but you don't see me bitching around being a jerk to everyone. "

" Am not being a jerk. "

" Am not done, and yes you are being a jerk. You are being a jerk to Ronnie, Landon she's just an assistant. She's trying to put you in line because she's experienced in other words she wants the best for you. "

Great, now Ronnie tells my mom I've been a meanie, how mature.

" I love you baby, but it's great if I tell to not loose yourself somewhere in there. "

I sigh.

" Am sorry I've been a jerk lately, I promise to only be a jerk to Russo. " I tell her only half jokingly.

Even if it wasn't what he was looking for, she smiles.

" Landon, Diane, I got to feed my muscles. " We hear the tiny boy exclaim.

We laugh forgetting that we had company. Minutes later all of us are seated at the six persons table. Why would Victor give her a goddamn big house while she stays all alone, but again compared to the house he actually lived in, this was much of a rat's hole.

" Eat up tiny man. " My mom motivates him piling his plate that am betting his six years old ass he won't be finishing.

" You want to grow big like your old man, kiddo. "

He practically laughs at my face, " I love my old man no offense mommy helps him with killing a cockroach that's next to him. "

We all laugh.  " You sure he's six, I mean Dina is definitely not as smart as he is. " I ask Diane.

" Landon, Dina wipes you off at least two dollars every time you go by. "

True. I laugh at the memory of that only.

" I say we'd get along pretty good. " Ty says dragging the pretty just a tad.

" You think buddy, "

" Uh huh. Carlos taught me all about the ladies " he wriggles his eyebrows and we laugh. " He didn't get to finish off his lessons though " He starts cheerily but at the end on the mention of Carlos death he clearly sounds sad.

" You two were close. " Mom asks him.

" I used to go there everytime, they are really nice people except Miss Sharon she has..  " he starts but stops as if looking for the word for it.

" Issues. " I finish up for him.

" Yeah let's call them that. " I laugh. I guess Ronnie did a number on this one.

Finishing up my food, we talk some more until Tyrone starts yawning and mom puts him to sleep.

" So he sleeps here. " I ask mom.

" Yes on Saturdays from now on. It makes me miss tucking you in bed. " She says pinching my cheeks.

" Yeah right, that's bullshit. "

" It's true, oh and Ronnie will come pick up Tyrone tomorrow. You will go with her as she drops him off and have an apology dinner. " She says heading to her room.

" I will do no such thing. "

" Of course you won't. "

I roll my eyes getting in my room and closing the door. Falling on the bed I don't know when sleep over comes me.

Am so sorry I've been a little busy lately
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