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"So like, do you have a few screws loose in your head or were you born crazy?"


"Y/N?" A meek voice called out, hesitantly peeking into the hallway.

"Y/N, are you there? Please inform me if you're experimenting or n-" A scream followed her sentence as a flurry of green and pink particles quickly zoomed past the poor assistant, making her fall onto the carpeted floor.

Thankfully, the commotion settled down as the hallway was now clear of any suspicious particles or smoke. Though, it was still a mess.

"Oh Erys! I can't wait to show you a breakthrough I just made!" Someone shouted out, emerging from one of the rooms. A tall figure clad in pink, green and white kneeled to where Erys was, a goofy smile on their face.

"Y-yeah.. but please go clean yourself first."

Wiping the colour off their aviator goggles, they revealed the excitement in their E/C eyes. "Oh Erys! Don't sweat the small stuff, we can do that later! Anyways, I was trying to-"

The brunette sighed, knowing nothing can stop them when they're this excited. It was a charming aspect of their personality afterall.

Following after them, Erys smiled. She couldn't lie that she wasn't the tiniest bit excited too.


"Going into the city again Miss Y/N?" Erys asked, putting away a couple of reports. The madman hummed, nodding their head. "I need to get some moon peaches and a couple strands of giant fly hairs!"

Sweating at the odd ingredient, Erys tapped at the desk. "I don't think fly hair and raccoon monkey intestines will make your fruit fly..Why don't you send someone out like usual?"

"I can't always be stuck inside, I need to get some in the field research! Anyways, I'll be out now, rest well Erys!!"

And with that, you exited the building, ignoring Erys' protests.

"I pray for the safety of whoever is in their way this time..." Erys thought, cleaning up her desk.


That was the business you were born into. Your folks had started out small, selling small homemade gizmos and providing medicine from the ol' book of water tribe traditions.

Soon after, they made a name for themselves until they had you!

Y/N L/N-Baruch, a child genius and natural observer of things was just what they needed to boost the family business!

Though, Y/N thought that medicine was too easy to deal with so they had begun the experiments.

Nothing creepy and overly extreme of course! They're just a bit of a madman, hence the business' name! Although the business is going extremely well and has been gaining popularity amongst noblemen, Y/N's parents had volunteered as figureheads.

The face of the company, the ones on the news, the people involved in events, that was all them.

So no one actually knew the actual madman behind the screen. Thus, people had made rumours about said "madman". But you didn't mind, it gave a small thrill to your life. So you had remained a secret.

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