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"Are you an ally or another storm?"


The moonlight above illuminated everything in your path. The soft touch of blue mixing with the cruel splash of red had quickly transformed the scenery in front of you into a series of darkness and smoke.

You had arrived to the revelation in advance, the white porcelain surfaced on your face while an obsidian cloak hid your body into a simple silhouette. The bodyguard at the entrance halted you as you walked towards the entrance, pulling you back by the hood.

"Hey! What do you think you're" He grew silent as a reflection of his own terrified face was shown on the smooth surface of your mask. You clear your throat, tugging at your cloak.

"What's the matter brother?" You spoke though your voice came out lower and distorted. The voice changer is working, you thought as the big bulky man violently pulled his hand back to his side and lead you in.

"Deepest apologies comrade, please, step in."

Ignoring him, you instantly followed down the narrow path, pipes running along the walls. You glanced at the paper, a note on where to meet Amon and whoever this Lieutenant guy was.

Arriving at a dimly lit room, you once again readied your hand on the baton clasped to your thigh. A dark laugh emitted from the wall behind you and you turned around, baton in hand.

"Now now Jinx, we are all friends here." Amon spoke, hand on your shoulder. You're really starting to regret choosing Jinx as a cover, it sounds kind of cliche and basic and oh my Avatar you're feeling a bit embarrassed too. Another figure emerged beside him, goggles gleaming under the light.

"This is the machinist you mentioned Amon?" He spoke, wariness visible in his tone. "Isn't one enough?"

Amon put two fingers up in a gesture of silence, the Lieutenant instantly seizing his words. He gestured for you to sit as well and you reluctantly did so. Amon sat across you while the Lieutenant stood beside you, hands at the ready in case you felt like goofing up.

"Now before we commence with our event, I'm just going to give you a little.. pep talk." He started ominously, hands clasping. "I want you to stand with me and experience the most crucial moment in history but just know that if you secretly turn your back on me,"

He tilted his head, staring you down with intensity.

"You will face the consequences."

"Yeah no, I'm dead, this was a bad idea after all. I'm gonna disintegrate any moment now."

A knock on the door alerted the three of you, the atmosphere only thickening.

"Well, it is time. Please, follow me." He ushered and you stood up, following after the Lieutenant. He glared at you that made you want to shrink and pass away on the spot but you managed to hold out.


"Where are they?" Korra grumbled, ignoring Amon's speech. "They said there was a clear sign but I haven't seen anything indicating that they're here!" She whisper-yelled while Mako had his usual grumpy face.

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