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Oh man this is gonna be super awkward isn't it?


"Kwong's? That fancy ass restaurant for nobles?" Korra questioned, trying to see if she heard you right. Her arms were crossed and she was leaning back slightly, contemplating something.

Despite her relaxed posture, you could tell that something was bothering her.

"Yeah, I have a reservation there, we can go tonight too! It would be a nice getaway for a while, plus you get to eat meat~!" You teased, making Korra snort. She made a shushing motion, looking around.

"You can't say that here, Tenzin will probably freak!" She whispered, although she didn't look all that serious. You hoped that she would let go a little tonight, you fiddled with your fingers at the thought.

"So? Will you go?" You asked cheerfully, clasping your hands together. Korra looked at you with a sorrowful look, "I'm sorry but... I'm not really in the mood to be in the city right now.. you get it, right?"

The Avatar looked away dejectedly and you feel guilt piling up in your gut. Of course she wouldn't wanna be anywhere near the city after what happened! You gave her a reassuring smile, patting her shoulder.

"Hey it's alright! I can always just dine with you guys again, the food here is great!" Korra rested a hand on your shoulder, shaking her head. "Nah, you still have that reservation. It would be a waste to not go." She said thoughtfully but you suspected that she had some kind of ulterior motive.

She insisted and you were sure that she just wanted to be by herself for a while. You kick a stray pebble away, pouting a little. "Alright.. I'll bring back some food for you and Naga though!"

And maybe Erys, poor girl needed a break from all the work you dumped on her.


The blinding lights of Kwang's Cuisine greeted you and you winced a little, shielding your eyes. You had left your usual accessories at home, including your goggles and bag. You always felt a little vulnerable without your goggles but it's not like anyone here knows you-


The world hates you.

You reluctantly turned around, tugging at your hair. The awkward smile on your face quickly turned into a grimace at the sight of the rotting whale carc- I mean Mako.

"Oh, fancy seeing you here. Although I shouldn't be surprised if you worked here you old leather chair." You insulted him, making him groan.

"That doesn't even make any sense!"

"Maybe you're just uneducated on advance humour."

He huffed at you, looking like he's holding back. You scoff, walking towards the entrance. He ran up beside you, pulling you back. "Wait you're going in?" He questioned and you crossed your arms.

"Yes I am, what? Do you need me to hold your hand like a kid?" He scratched his nape, looking down at his shoes. You raised a brow as he stiffly stood in front of you.

"I just.. haven't been to such a fancy place so..." He didn't continue, or rather, he was too embarrassed to. You sighed, grabbing his sleeve and pulling him with you.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2022 ⏰

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