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"Are you just rich or do you work for the Mafia?"


"30,000 Yuans?"

"YEAH THAT'S LIKE, A CRAZY AMOUNT OF DOUGH!" Bolin ranted, clutching his head.

"Yes, I guess that amount is hard to come by for some people." You muttered, fiddling with one of your mini bombs. It was like playing with a rubik's cube, only it explodes if you solve it.

A hand snatched away your bomb and you gasped. "Wait wait wait! Y/N, I got an idea! What if we sold some of your doohickies? It'll make for some great coin!" Bolin brainstormed enthusiastically, fixing in a piece before the timer started.

"Well, I'll see what I can do to help." You smiled, snatching the mini bomb away. You proceeded to throw it out the window and used your bending to make it go higher up in the air, confusing the three.

A few seconds more and an explosion went off in the sky, luckily surrounded by enough water to lessen the impact. You pat Bolin"s head as he gawked at the scene, his face turning pale.

"Do you guys have any other ideas that don't involve circus tricks and potential hazards?" The bag of wor- I mean, Mako groaned, lifting up his bag. Bolin whimpered while Korra made a thinking face.

"It's fine, I'll figure something out. I always do." He said like the emo bitch he is and left.

"It's alright, something will work out. Anyways, I gotta head back home for a bit. Goodbye Korra! Goodbye Pabu! Goodbye Bolin! And goodbye Pabu~!" And by home, you meant to the bank.

"You said goodbye to Pabu twice."

"I love Pabu."


The streets were lined with high class nobles and rich people alike. You didn't like going this way but it was the fastest way to your home. The sound of chatter was blocked out as you tried to think up ways to present them with money without them suspecting anything. You could just say you were a noble, it was half the truth, but that might cause some indifference, maybe...

Eventually you saw Zuko's statue and a familiar boy below.

"Hey Bolin! How's the business going?" You asked, a warm smile on your face. Bolin was in fact talking to someone, tall and seemed like the type to do bad stuff. Totally not suspicious at all.

"O-oh! Y/N, yeah uh, really great! My buddy Shin here just offered me a small job." He showed you the money and you felt a hand on your shoulder. Shin smiled at you weirdly and put out a hand to you.

"The name's Shady Shin. Now what's a lovely doll like you doing here?" Now that wasn't shady at all. You shook his hand and his other shot up and traced your knuckles, all the while you kept a neutral face on.

"Hey Shin, hands of-" Shady Shin ignored Bolin completely, cutting him off.

"Ya looking for money too? I have a few job proposals that- AHHH" Irritated with his advances, you crushed his hand in yours. He tried to jerk back but your iron grip seemed to tighten, his hands slowly turning a deep purple.

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