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"This could go wrong in so many ways!"


After gracefully, ahem I mean, painfully landing on your butt, you find that Korra had accidentally flung you a few feet away from where she had landed. You stand up in the hallway, trying to find anything implying of an entrance or exit.

Eventually you heard voices, arguing maybe but it quickly died down. You quickly walked towards the place and cupped a hand to your mouth.

"Korra!" You dragged out her name, hopeful that she might've heard you. You reach an entrance to another room and took a peek inside.

Your E/C eyes met with gleaming emerald ones. "Y/N! I thought I lost you!" You peeled your eyes away from Bolin and happily smiled at Korra, jumping at her as she hugged you back.

"Oh, is this the friend you were talking about? She's uh, very physical." The owner of those magnificent green eyes spoke and you averted your attention to him.

"Oh, you must be the one who- WOAH!" Your attention was caught again by the view behind him. The place served as a sort of balcony and preparation centre and you could see the match from there too. You rushed over there and gripped the fence.

"Oh wow! You can see a pro-bending match way better here and with the help of my goggles, I'll definitely see every single detail!" In the midst of excitement, you accidentally got a little too close to the edge and slipped on the metal gate.

Before you were sent to see God personally, a hand managed to grab onto your coat and forcefully yank you back. Your back hits the ground and you see an irritated face belonging to one of the players.

"Bolin I told you, no more crazy fangirls." He said with a sigh before putting one his helmet. Yeah, you don't really like this guy and it was obvious.

You jump back onto your feet and jabbed a finger onto Mako's chest, startling him. "Maybe you should be nicer to people, I might be crazy but at least I'm not mad all the time!"

Hearing no response, you take it as a win and huff. Korra gave you a pat on the head and Bolin apologised before joining his brother. "Oh man they were attractive-" Was all that played in Mako's mind before he shook his head. Korra laughed, giving you a little pat on the shoulder.

You both watch the match with excitement and Korra seemed to really enjoy it. In the midst of the match, you felt your spine jolt with a piercing pain. Your eyes instinctively glanced over to the crowd and you see a hooded figure flinch slightly before retreating to the darkness.

Your vision blurred and you put a onto your forehead, sweat beginning to form. Everything came to just as the announcer cheered for the Fire Ferrets' victory and the crowd went wild.

Korra was too distracted to notice but you figured you shouldn't interrupt a golden moment like this.

"WOOHOO! Yeah! One more win and we're in the championship tournament!" Bolin cheered after returning to Korra's side. He took of his helmet, doing finger guns at you.

"So, what do you think Y/N- Huh?" His tone dropped when he saw a surprisingly neutral and slightly serious face, different from how you were earlier. You were still staring at where the hooded figure retreated, thinking hard.

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