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"You probably think everyone's living it up here, don't you?"


Erys flinched at the sudden tapping, glancing towards the madman's bored face. They've been sitting in silence for hours now, the woman staring worriedly at Y/N.

Unfortunately, they didn't go through with dinner yesterday since the Avatar, or rather Korra, was dragged towards the police station. Seeing as nobody witnessed you since you seemed like a generic bystander, which you were not, they let you go in a matter of minutes.

You were gonna protest but Korra looked at you with a "Don't tell em nothing about your crazy ass cream" and you just obliged.

Now, you were just trying to distract yourself as you waited for any news about Korra's whereabouts.

"Any news, Erys?" You asked, not even hiding your boredom as you wrote down possible ingredients for your next batch of experiments.

The brunette re-adjusted her coat, getting on the phone. While she did the talking, you decided that you'd work on plans for one of the newest ideas you came up, something that will possibly come in handy.

Maybe Korra would even help.

"Y/N sir, they've reported that she was released shortly after Chairman Tenzin came yesterday. They've witnessed them getting on a boat to Air Temple Island." Erys reported, looking more professional than she was earlier.

You nod enthusiastically, standing up and slamming your hands onto the table, startling Erys once again.

"I'll be making my way to Air Temple Island later then! That's probably where she'll reside in for now. Cancel all of my meetings for today, I have work to do!" You smiled cheekily, running out the door.

Before you even made it to the labs, Erys pulled you back quickly, making you trip in the process.

"Sir, you have a very important appointment with Mr. Sato! He's been meaning to discuss with you and your parents for a while now." She said worriedly, almost in a scolding manner.

You rubbed your chin in thought, dragging a long hum.

"He wanted to discuss joining forces no? I would've rejected it anyway. Just cancel the meeting. Tell him something about independence or something." Erys deadpanned at you, giving you a "wtf is that excuse" face.

"What?? His technology and my science do NOT work! He's too uh.. generic? And too strict on safety." Letting go of your coat, Erys nodded, turning towards the direction of her office.

Slipping on your goggles, you chuckled, sprinting towards the lab.

"Time to put my skills to the test!"

Crazy laughter emitted from the room, scaring all the employees nearby.


Tenzin watched as Korra got brutally beaten up by the spinning gates, getting thrown out at the last minute. He sighed, pinching his temples as Korra shouted profanities at the machine.

Suddenly, a shiver went up his spine and he turned behind him, as well as the other kids. He had sensed some kind of shift in the wind before something came out of the water.

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